There. Now everything makes perfect sense. No reason to even watch the rest of the season, right? But for the slower Lost fans, let's go through everything new we learned.
- Most importantly, never check your father's corpse with the airline. Always take it as carry-on.
- We've had flashbacks and flashforwards. It looks as if, this season, we'll have flashes sideways, to an alternate timeline where the island was blown up and sank in 1974 and never had influence on today's cast (Hurley is the luckiest guy in the world, Desmond never ended up shipwrecked there). The significance of the flashsideways? Too early to say. Maybe just to illustrate the characters' ongoing evolution and redemption at the hands of the island. Or to show the Losties - who all wanted off the island except for Locke - how crummy their lives would've been if they'd never crashed. But there still obviously is some kind of greater force at work on their lives even minus the island, as evidenced by them all being on the same flight and by the presence of Waitress in the Sky Cindy the Other. But with the island out of the picture on Earth 2, that whole idea of influence in their lives is blowing my mind.
- Relating to the inevitability theme going throughout the show, winner of the best line of the night award goes to Trainspotting Charlie: "Shoulda let that happen, man. I was s'posed to die."
- The redemption imagery is getting almost overboard now, with Sayid's deathbed talk of going to hell and then literal baptism and rebirth. Is he now the new Jacob?
- So the anti-Jacob is the smoke monster. Makes a kind of sense in that we've seen smoky judge people (like Eko) and punish them and the anti-Jacob guy seemed decidedly downbeat on humanity as a group when we met him last season.
- Hey, a welcome return to the weird-toed statue! And the ankh symbol in the guitar case, that indicates to me the statue might be that of Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead. Significance? I imagine even Anubis sitting somewhere, watching this show and texting, like, Odin and going "WTF is up w/ this show, yo?"
- Closer to the understandable world, Juliette now has gotten two separate death scenes in the series. The hitting the nuke was more dramatic, but I am really anticipatory of the whole 'Sawyer's going after Jack' direction. We've had five seasons of 'who runs this town, anyway?' and now we're going to get direct clash of the titans.
- My Jerry Springer final thoughts: More questions raised than answers (can they still keep doing that?). Kind of slow moving episode. But at least we're back in the present, and in the hands of Others, so it's like nothing ever happened. Except something major did and the plane never crashed. Ow. My head. And yet I'm anxiously awaiting next week.
- What'd I miss? What're your thoughts?
Yeah, Sayid has to be the Man in Black. He was made for that role, honestly. *drool*
Wonder if Jack and Sawyer will eventually replace Locke and Sayid as the warring island dudes who aren't allowed to kill each other? I mean, they are mirroring that centuries-old struggle.
I find it interesting there are all these various factions of Jacob-ites seemingly independent of one another - the Others and Richard, and now this group with guns that black smoke monster slaughtered. Does the anti-Jacob/fake Locke/MiB have any followers of his own, I wonder? (Doesn't seem to need any since he's bulletproof and a smoke monster and all, but ...)
How are they're even more people on this island that no one has known about? Dharma was all over the island, how did they never come across this enormous temple full of people? It's not THAT big of an island.
My head is still spinning. It appears as though Christian is like the Energizer bunny and just when I was really getting into Jacob, the MIB has to kill him. Geez. So as of right now, the MIB is in Locke's body and there's no Jacob. Since the fireworks that the temple people set off appeared to MIB/Locke, Sun and Frank on the beach, does that mean that Sun and Jin are finally in the same time period?
@joeguy I was under the impression that the people in the temple were an offshoot of the "others"...I could be mistaken
IF you really want to get your head warped, read Doc Jensen's recap at EW.com where there's a lot of talk about Salman Rushdie and Kierkegaard David Lewis and Modal Realities and shit.
I will say this, we did get *some* answers. The voices were The Other Others. Who seem to be part of the first others. Richard might have shown up on the island on the slave ship. The water seems to be the stuff that makes the island heal people. Why? we may never get that answer.
I thought it was interesting, that even in flash sideways, the characters seem to be gravitating toward each other, like spilled balls of mercury joining back together. I wonder if the implication will be that even a nuclear bomb couldn't stop fate.
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