Thursday, January 22, 2009

"That part was true."

Welcome back, Rochester-area Lost fans. Your dreams were your ticket out.
It's been a long dry patch without our favorite crazy nonsensical show that increasingly makes no sense. And yet we missed it terribly, didn't we?
Now let's get into the post-game.
First off, while not the best ep. ever (that might be the Desmond bouncing around in time one), it was definitely a good two-hour kickoff to the season. We had ghost Ana Lucia and Hot Pocket throwing and Frogurt getting killed by flaming arrow and nameless killer getting killed by dishwasher and a caviar sandwich. All of those little touches just reinforce what a fun romp that show is, even if you ignore the whole mystery aspect of the island.
(And I think the writers were giving a nod to how ridiculous things are ultimately, with Hurley's explainer to his mom.)
So what'd we learn last night? Not much.
We have maybe an inkling of how Richard has stayed young - perhaps he is bouncing through time himself. Or he could be ageless. Who knows. Then we have questions like how you even stop such a Quantum Leap-like existence as bouncing through time every few minutes, stopping just long enough for Ethan to shoot you. Let's ask Iggy. Interesting touch, though, how Desmond is the one X factor who can change time (outside of Dan saying what has happened cannot be changed. I loved the bit with Dan talking today to Desmond four or so years ago, and Desmond remembering it today. Very trippy.)
We still don't know quite why our Oceanic Six needs to return to the island. One bit of speculation I read - the island needs them as its Constant. That theory makes my head hurt.
Things we can speculate on:
Locke/Bentham is not dead, at least permanently. There seemed to be some deliberate dialogue by Ben dancing around Locke being dead, which I think was a deliberate choice.)
Sun is targeting Kate and maybe some other Oceanic Six for her revenge. A coincidence the lawyers show up demanding a blood sample at around the same time Sun happens to be in the States for a visit and calls Kate? Please. She maybe was even the one behind the killers sent after Sayid and Hurley. And she seems to have that crazy thing going on when she asks how Jack is with - to my eyes - seemed to be barely contained anger.
Am assuming the uniformed folks with guns who capture Juliet and Sawyer at the end are Dharma folks. But maybe not?
This ep. advanced the story and gave us a lot of action, though still not a lot of answers. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our long dark night of sitting through SuperNanny is over

I mean we all watched that, right? Huh? You mean you didn't? Ummmmm I didn't either. Yeah that's it. I was just joking. *laughing nervously*

Well, there's been so much build up to tonight that writing more would be overkill at this point. We all know the questions that are out there to be answered and the drama that hung over the island at the end of last season.

I think I speak for all of the Lost Talk editorial staff when I sum up my feelings about tonight thusly:

It better not suck.