Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The return of Ana-Lucia

From Access Hollywood. This should make the second half of S3 interesting.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

An early return?

This site reports that sincethe rest of ABC's lineup is getting beaten up like the Spice Girls at a music critic's convention, the network might want to bring back lost early. A lot of "ifs" for it to happen though.

Could it be?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Kate needs a new home

Poor Kate. I'm sure one of you boys will let her sleep on your couch.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cindy's back

As everyone who watches Daybreak already knows ... (anyone? anyone?), there was a kickass Lost teaser recently. You can see at:
Kidnapped stewardess Cindy is now one of the Others?
"We're here to watch"?
Curse you, Lost, why do you have to be so tantalizing?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jack's getting a new friend...

Bai Ling is due to join the cast of Lost for three episodes after it returns to the airwaves in February. Here's an interview she did with Kristin Veitch at E!Online. There are may be some items that could be considered spoilerish, so read at your own risk.

BTW, has Bai Ling ever been in anything worthwhile? The only times I have seen her in the news is when she is rocking her hooker-worthy outfits. Unfortunately, that happens a lot.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Word on the street...

Or the beach sand, which ever you prefer, is that when Lost returns on 2/7/07, it will be moving to the 10 PM time slot. This is in an effort to bring on two new shows in the 9 and 9:30 slots, and also to prevent American Idol from beating the pants off Lost in the ratings.

I guess we'll all need to take naps after work so we can stay up late.

Sources: TV and E!