Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The return of Ana-Lucia

From Access Hollywood. This should make the second half of S3 interesting.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

An early return?

This site reports that sincethe rest of ABC's lineup is getting beaten up like the Spice Girls at a music critic's convention, the network might want to bring back lost early. A lot of "ifs" for it to happen though.

Could it be?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Kate needs a new home

Poor Kate. I'm sure one of you boys will let her sleep on your couch.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cindy's back

As everyone who watches Daybreak already knows ... (anyone? anyone?), there was a kickass Lost teaser recently. You can see at:
Kidnapped stewardess Cindy is now one of the Others?
"We're here to watch"?
Curse you, Lost, why do you have to be so tantalizing?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jack's getting a new friend...

Bai Ling is due to join the cast of Lost for three episodes after it returns to the airwaves in February. Here's an interview she did with Kristin Veitch at E!Online. There are may be some items that could be considered spoilerish, so read at your own risk.

BTW, has Bai Ling ever been in anything worthwhile? The only times I have seen her in the news is when she is rocking her hooker-worthy outfits. Unfortunately, that happens a lot.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Word on the street...

Or the beach sand, which ever you prefer, is that when Lost returns on 2/7/07, it will be moving to the 10 PM time slot. This is in an effort to bring on two new shows in the 9 and 9:30 slots, and also to prevent American Idol from beating the pants off Lost in the ratings.

I guess we'll all need to take naps after work so we can stay up late.

Sources: TV and E!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Poor Kate

Apparently growing up was tough for actress Evangeline Lilly, according to her interview in the latest Elle magazine:

"I used to cry myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered at and disrespected me."

I ... I thought I was the only one to be cursed with incredible hottie status! (sob!) I'm not alone anymore! (sniffle)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

That Hurley is bananas/b-a-n-a-n-a-s

Here are a couple Lost spoilers courtesy of the latest Entertainment Weekly, with Gwen Stefani on the cover. I put 'em in the comment section out of consideration for those who don't like spoilers.

Friday, November 17, 2006

This just in...

This could be GIGANTIC for the show. Other items in the article are spoiler-ish, so read at your own risk.

With three months to kill ...

Here's an idea to pass the time: Predictions.
What do you think will be revealed this season?
- Locke loses use of his legs in a car accident, but there's no real physical damage, it's all psychosomatic.
- Kate and Sawyer are being used to excavate a hatch that got buried/destroyed in the previous cataclysm that ended the DHARMA work on the island.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So, uh, nice weather today....

I feel this deep emptiness in my very soul. I may actually have to read a book tonight. Curse you, ABC programmers!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

How to Fix Shows Like 'Lost'

Interesting piece in New York magazine

The basic premise of the article: And for anyone who didn’t sign on from the beginning, there’s little incentive to catch up now. Why invest hours wading through past DVDs when your co-workers are grousing that the mysteries still haven’t paid off?
The argument: We need the TV equivalent of a novella: the limited-run show. Series driven by a central mystery (Twin Peaks, The X-Files) peter out precisely because they have indefinite life spans. The writers are forced to serve up red herrings until the shows choke on their own plot twists. (Whereas 24 works because it’s more cliff-hanger than puzzle—though Jack Bauer is surely the unluckiest man alive.)

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Some minor spoilers, though I see it more as information, on this TV Guide blog/column, thing. The Lost goodies are about halfway down the page, after all the talk about The Nine, which I missed last night. All this monsoon rain out here has me sick and waterlogged and I went to sleep. Feel bad for me! ; )

Oh, and this answers my two islands question, which Daneman so smartly already knew the answer to and was apparently ignoring me.

It takes two to tango

I don't have a problem with the existence of two islands. At least to my eye, it seems pretty clear that the jet crashed on the big main island, the one where the Others have their Stuckeyville town. But currently Jack, Kate and Sawyer are held captive on the smaller, Alcatraz island, which is where the Others have a workshop of sorts.
As to the whole killing of Sawyer thing, I get the feeling it's not a case of the Others as a whole wanting him dead, but are willing to let Mr. Colleen kill Sawyer out of revenge/grief. I think: the Others need Jack because of Benry's tumor; they also took Kate and Sawyer as leverage to get Jack to do what they want. Then with Colleen dying, the grieving hubby needed to lash out at someone at smirking Sawyer was a perfect target and the Others were not going to stand in the way very much.

Who are we kidding?

As annoyed as we claim we are, we're too nerdy to give up on the show now. So....this whole thing is a ruse if you ask me. If they wanted to kill Sawyer, why didn't they just do it? Seriously? I mean, I know it's a TV show, but they're just dragging out the killing. And why do they let Kate and Sawyer get it on? It's not like they aren't being watched. Not like they couldn't have tried to sneak away; yet the others are just gonna watch the homemade porn on their older than dirt TV screens. And why is it so easy for Kate to break the lock on Sawyer's cage? Right.....cause the others are perverts like Daneman and want to see Kate naked for 20 minutes, doing nothing but standing there.

I'm not sure what to make of Jack's decision to almost kill Benry so Kate can be set free. I'm overanalyzing here, but does he mean for only Kate to be set free or for both Sawyer and Kate to be set free?

Furthermore I REALLY don't get this Alcatraz thing! How are they on two islands? Seriously. Wouldn't Desomond have seen the second island during his drunken boat ride? Didn't the final shot of the opening scene of the season pan back to show a lagoon or something "separating" the island, not an entire ocean. I just don't believe it, nor do I get it. I mean we were all looking at another island when they took Sawyer to the top of the hill, but again, in the first episode Benry tells Goodwin to "run. It should take you an hour." and tells the other dude who's name I forget to go be one of them. If the islands are that far apart, how'd they each get to their designated camps so fast. What's weirder is what made Benry automatically say "go. be one of them. come back with lists and information."? If they don't answer that question this season then...well...

It seems like there are two camps of Others. One of you guys suggested that before I think. Alex would be in the "I love Benry" camp I guess. She seemed concerned about him. Juliet would be in the "I'm only going to let you think I love Benry" camp. Apparently Zeke and Colleen's husband and the other dude who went to the cages are with Benry. Right?

K. that's all. I can't see what anyone else wrote so....

Just when I want to give up...

This show is killing me!!! I was so ready to throw in the towel and they just HAD to have an episode like last night's. Now I have to watch what happens in February. Bastards.

I agree with Daneman - they could have wrapped up a few loose ends or given some indication that things would be explained. As for the whole Alcatraz deal, I don't believe it. Yet.

Who cares about naked Kate? I wanted to see more Sawyer. Regardless, it's about time those two got it on. Poor Jack, though. He was hoping he'd be the one to get Kate.

One last thing

When Sawyer was about to be shot, the guy with the gun mentioned that Jack Shepherd "wasn't on Jacob's list." According to Lostpedia, the head of the Hanso Foundation is named Jacob. Same guy? What's the point/signif. of the list? The way it was mentioned, it was tough to ascertain if being on the list was good or bad or what.

Alex reconsidered

Yknow, I wonder if Alex is a willing part of the Others after all, just playing a rogue Other to gain Lostie trust. What'd she accomplish last night? She let Jack out, but that led to Ben getting what he wanted - the operation. Ditto her rushing into the rock-breaking area - that motivated Kate to try to pressure Jack.
She did help Claire escape, but now I wonder if that wasn't what the Others wanted - they test Claire, they let her go, but this way they still have that fear thing going on by making Claire thinking she's escaping.

Stinkin' cliffhanger

Oh great. Feb. 7. Three months until we get the next ep. Threeeeeee months. What am I supposed to do in the interim?
Oh well, let's get into analysis of this ep.:
the Others keep maintaining they're the good guys, yet the attempt to kill Sawyer and the whole interlude with Alex ("they're going to kill your boyfriend like they killed mind") seems to indicate something totally different. Wonder if/why they killed Carl, her bf? Wonder why, if the Others know Alex is not exactly on their side, they keep her around and even incorporate her into missions, such as when the Others met with the search party looking for Michael.
Jack's comment to Ben - "I need to get the hell off this island" - is interesting. At least at first, it raised major red flags, that first-person pronoun. But in light of Jack's ulitimate plan, I think that was just a feint to gain Benry's trust. Jack surely must know that if you nearly kill your patient, any deals are off.
Unfortunately, Jack doesn't really know that his plan may be for naught, since the three are on Alcatraz. Unless Kate and Sawyer can get to a boat.
Meanwhile, on the main island, the one plot advancement seems to be Locke getting that 'sign' from Eko's Jesus stick. i took that quote from the Book of John to be an indicator to Locke of where he should go - north - to find our captives. Anyone have another interpretation?
One small disappointment - we didn't get a long shot of naked Kate. Like, a 20-minute shot with her just standing there and the camera just staring. Darn you, JJ Abrams.
One other small disappointment - it would've been nice to get some kind of answers during this cliffhanger ep, while we have three months off. Would it have been too much to get one or otwo mysteries answered? I mean, we have plenty of them.
Three months. Criminy.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Forget the Red Rider BB Gun...

Ask Santa, or whoever buys your goodies, to get you these.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lost goodies on E! Online...

Again, Watch with Kristin has the latest on Lost, and some, ahem, kind words about JJ Abrams, the show's producer. I have to agree with her on this one, even if Adewale Akinnouye-Agbaje wanted to go.

The link does contain some spoilers, so don't read it if you don't want to know what may happen.

Oh, who are we kidding here? You know you want to know...

Why Eko's gone

Hey! I got this from the USA Today site. This explains why he died.

Leggo my Eko

RIP one of the most interesting and intriguing characters on Lost island. RIP yet another Tailie, leaving only minor character Bernard. Am not exactly pleased with this decision. Why introduce the Tailies in the first place in season 2 only to axe 'em all? It's as if much of season 2 turned out to be a waste of our time.
So let's talk about Eko's death. What killed him? Have past hallucinatory manifestations on the island - Jack's dad, Kate's horse - also been in fact the black smoke? Maybe even Hurley's friend Dave? Rousseau once referred to the black smoke as a 'security system'? Huh? Eko encountered the smoke once before and it seemeed to be 'reading' him - there were all those images in the smoke from his past. Was it now time to judge him? The fact Locke wasn't a Nigerian warlord and butcher might indicate why he saw somethign very different than Eko did when he encountered the smoke. But why did the black smoke monster just kill the pilot right away in the firstt ep.? Eko's dying words seem to indicate there's gonna be some other judging going on soon. Apparently we have to wait and see.
As one faithful reader, Dave of Upper Monroe put it, here come all the Purgatory theories again.
Meanwhile, in Othersburg, we've got an interesting twist. Anyone else see some real irony in video Juliet warning Jack that Benry is a liar and dangerous - while she's trying to recruit Jack to kill Benry? So Juliet wants Benry gone - perhaps Alex too. I wonder if there's a strong split among the Others, or if ywe've got a couple dissatisfieds. Of course, we can't presuppose tjat Juliet in fact wants Jack to kill Benry -this might be some kind of test or manipulation again. There are so many false thrusts and feints on this island ...
Benry's talk with Jack - we had a great plan to break you - was a highlight of the ep., I thought. Presumably that's what's going on now with Sawyer and Kate. Interesting comment when Benry said that Juliet looks a lot like Jack's exwife - I take it she was made the face Jack sees most often as part of the attempt to manipulate him.
What was with those v-neck linen tunics everyone wore at the funeral? Cult like? Or does that just make more sense in a tropical setting than black?
Finally, looks like we've got yet another new character being introduced - eyepatch guy. Maybe the owner of the glass eye the Tailies found on their side of the island? How the heck do you have a remote, unknown island when it's actually two or more islands and has a population bigger than Batavia? Next we'll see a CVS.
Get Lost. Aaaaaannnd .... discuss.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Physician, heal thyself

So waitaminute. If the island has healing powers, why does Jack need to remove some kind of spinal tumor?
Thoughts -
The island has no special healing power. Locke wasn't physically handicapped, that it was psychological, and Rose is no more healed of her cancer than I am of my crippling inability to love.
The island does have healing power for some but not others.
The xrays are faked for some kind of manipulative purposes. Part of me thinks they were deliberately put up for Jack to find (of course, the hitch with that is Colleen getting shot - obviously not part of the plan).
Spoiler alert - supposedly some major character is supposed to die in this week's ep. Place your bets now. I'm going with Eko.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Every Man for Himself

Sorry, folks, you're on your own this week. Thursday I am flying to Calif. for a couple days of much needed vacation from the trials and tribulations of running this blog. Oh, and work.
Couple thoughts from last week - apparently the opening scenes with Locke in the jungle were a scene-for-scene exact parallel of the opening scenes of Jack in season one ep. one. (focus on one eye, camera pulls back, lying in jungle, sits up, sees Vincent/Desmond running by). Is Locke the 'new Jack' - i.e. the defacto leader and protagonist since Jack is captured (and maybe being turned by the Others)? Who can say.
Also - was it noteworthy that in the airport vision of Locke's that Jack was being screened by Benry? And that Benry, Hurley and Desmond were all in airline uniforms while everyone else was in street clothes? am beginning to wonder if this ep. was not about plot advancement but about symbolic foreshadowing. Either way too much is being read into Lost or it could actually be one of the most inventive and layered shows on TV today, next to that one with Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer.
Get lost.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Season 3, ep. 3, Locke eats a peach, does his hair

Whoa. A seriously trippy, weird ep. Loved the way the Locke sweatlodge scene was filmed. And speaking of which ...
so Boone says Locke has to clean up his own mess (apparently the rescue of Eko) before he can "bring the family back together." On first blush, I think "the family" is our scattered Lostaways - a family in Locke's mind? On second blush, could Boone/the Island be referring to the scattered groups of Others? Maybe the Losties' fated role involves getting the Others back on track with the Dharma Initiative and thus saving mankind?
The Locke flashbacks I took as an illustration of the lengths Locke will go (planning to, though not acrtually going through with the murder of a cop) in order to protect/serve his group. Of course, he didn't pull the trigger because he was at heart a Farmer. But that brief talk with Eko said he was a Hunter. Has he changed? Can we expect Locke to now kill without hesitation if need be?
(side note - the physical resemblance of Mike the pot grower to Zeke is kinda interesting. Being such a detail oriented show, I tend to doubt it's coincidence)
'Twas interesting Eko used that very terminology, 'hunter' - a significant word in this ep. I wonder if Eko really did say that, or if it was part of Locke's earlier hallucination in the sweatlodge. Or if that was some kind of manifestation of some weird power - telepathy? - that Eko now is manifesting after the hatch blew.
Becuase it seems like something weird is going on with Desmond, some kind of knowledge of the future, that's for sure, after his run-in in the jungle with Hurley and seeming to knwo what Locke was going to say later. Thoughts - Desmond got some kind of precog power from the explosion (which could be a jump the shark moment). Desmond has always had some kind of ability to see in the future (he knew Jack would cure his wife, he knew he'd see Jack at some point down the road "in anudder life, brudah"). Something happened to Eko, Locke, Desmond in the hatch explosion - maybe thrown outside of the timestream for the day they were missing? (another very possible jump the shark notion).
Finally, the island vibrates, peopel are missing for a day, and no one from the beach contingent of Losties goes to check the hatch and see what's up? I cannot decide if this is an importatn bit of info or just a hiccup in the writing of a complex, layered weekly drama.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hanso update --Read at your own peril

Getting too much work done? Check out these links to fix that. These were teh result of searching for Benjamin Linus. Apparently the lost folks bought google ads that pop up when you search for the name. The acutal google results didn't lead anywhere, but the ads do.

The Sun also rises

I'm going to jump right in with my first thought - Sun killed Jae. The backstory was all about illuminating how Sun will lie or betray to cover her ass, right? And we saw that - despite what Colleen the Other said - Sun's willing to pull the trigger. So I wonder if we're coming to a flashback showing Sun going to Jae's room just after Jin left, confronting him, and shoving him out the window.
This ep. started more questions than answering ones we already have. Why are Sawyer and Kate breaking rocks? Is this more part of this test they're under, or are they actually excavating something? Benry has been on the island his entire life? Maybe a kid of the original Dharma scientists? Twice now Sayyid has been outsmarted/outmaneuvered by the Others, losing first Jack, Kate and Sawyer, next the boat - this guy's a moron. I wonder if now he has something to prove.
So the CIA guy who was in the hatch with Desmond (played by Ohio's own Clancy Brown!!) is not an Other and apparently the Others had no clue to his or Desmond's existence ( as evidencedd by Benry wigged out by there being a boat).
Loved the Red Sox bit. That - coupled with GI Jane Colleen supposedly knowing all about Sun - further reinforces what the CD player told us last week - that the Others have off-island access. To echo Benry's question, why AREN'T the Others leaving the island, then, if they can get off?
So last week I was pretty sure that Carl - the guy in the cagge across from Sawyer - was a plant. Now, with Alex (Rousseau's daughter and a seeming weak link in the Others) asking about him, I wonder. Alex also raises an interesting question - the Others took her years ago from Rousseau. So the Others steal chldren. The plane crashes, kids are swiped the first night from the Tailies - but not by this group of Others. There are competing groups of Others, but are they all doing similar things?
And, finally, it looks like the Others want to assimilate Jack. Eeeeenteresting. I also found it notable that Benry/Benjamin Linus promised to "take" Jack home, instead of send. Do Benry and the Others (who I think scored a no. 1 Billboard hit in 1962) also plan on going?
Like I said, more questons than answers. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The numbers

Wow. I'm a contributor. I a giant nerd.

My apologies if everyone knew this, but the meaning of the numbers has been revealed in that "Lost Experience" game which I haven't been keeping track of. I'm only willing to fanatically invest so much of my time.

Follow the url if you want the details:

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

have you seen lostpedia

Hi gang,
I have little to contribute but I did find this little gem of a website- have you all checked it out. They have a detailed account of all the episodes- all the characters and how they appeared in the show- through whose flashback and random hypothesis about their role in the show or the symbolism that they have. It was very neat- I spent way too much time checking it out.

I predict that much of tomorrow's show will be about the island folk hanging out at the beach waiting for the great Jack to return. I would like to see the French lady pop up again.. what do you all think ???? catch you all later.

ps- do you think Juliet will tell us why Walt was special

So it wasn't Carrie...

I was checking in with E! Online's Kristen Veitch (as I do most days) and on her message boards, she has all sorts of Lost scoopage. There are spoilers as well, so read at your own risk.

BTW, the book club was reading A Shoutout. Could this be a message of sorts?

Monday, October 09, 2006

I can't take credit for this speculation

But an interesting notion I read on the web:
So Zeke and Kate are in the shower room, Kate says 'I ain't showering in front of you' or something to that effect, and Zeke chuckles and says 'You're not my type.'
Now, the first thought that would spring to mind is 'he's gay.'
But that's a little obvious. I wonder instead if maybe that was an inside joke he was making referring to blood type, since after Zeke leaves the shower stall Kate sees she has that bandage on her - blood sample taken?
Not sure of the signif. but definitely interesting.

Friday, October 06, 2006

that post below was mine. don't ask me how i posted as daneman.

Theories, details, clues, etc.

I attached to "the other sara's" post cause I don't know how to blog. Just re-posting this so everyone can see it.

So a friend of mine said that the green hue in the aquarium hatch that Jack is in could mean something. Apparently in theater when a green light shines onstage it means "death." Spoooooooooky.

Also I rewatched the premiere yesterday (cause I'm that cool) and at the beginning of the episode the book club is arguing over whether Benry would've approved of the book they were reading. Apparently he wouldn't have. So really, they have to run everything by Benry? Obviously he's some sort of leader, but like someone said yesterday are there two groups of Others? Are these not really the Others that Rousseau (sp) was talking about?

Finally, A USA Today article on Wed. quoted Benry (the actor who's name I forget) as saying Henry Gale's quote to Michael "We're the good guys." will eventually be spelled out for us.

We're not the only Lost geeks...

USA Today's Pop Candy blog has some great takes on the Season 3 opener. Just in case you needed an excuse not to do any work today.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lost - all day, every day...

Daneman, you rock like Jovi. Thanks hooking us all up with this suh-weet blog!

FYI, this is UR Sarah, not D&C Sarah. My Secret Agent name is a result of another blog I belong to.

Tale of Two Cities post

>Season one premiere, Lost - opening shot of Jack's eye as he comes to >in the jungle just after the crash Season two premiere - opening shot >of Desmond's eye in the hatch as he hears a loud noise>Season three premiere - opening shot of Julliette's eye as she bakes>muffins in OthersPleasantville>This a.m. - opening shot of my eye as my cat headbutts me awake,wanting>to be fed.>See the eerie parallels?>Welcome to a new ep. Let's get started in the analysis/chat.>Personally, I loved the opening segment. So the Others have nicesuburban>bungalows. And a gazebo. And access to Stephen King books. And muffins.>And CD players. Obviously they're getting more than supply drops from>airplanes every once in a while.>So we got a better look at the Others - or at least one faction ofthem.>Some interesting issues there: the plane crashes, Ben/Faux Henry pretty>quickly starts organizing things and ordering infiltration and askingfor>"lists." We'd been led to believe the crash was a total accident causedby>Desmond. Is that incorrect? Or did the Others go through something like>this before? Or is Benry just quick on his feet?>Pretty obvious the Benry Others are now testing psychologicall (and>perhaps physically) Jack, Sawyer and Kate. For what purposes isunclear. I>assume at some point there'll be a flashback showing how kate got those>injuries on her wrists while cuffed.>Also pretty obvious now that Ben is a top dog for this group of Others.>But there still might be someone above him - remember FauxHenry saying>when a captive of Sayid that "if I talk, he'll kill me." Or it couldhave>just been a ruse.>Speaking of ruses, Chachi, the captive who was in the other cage across>from Sawyer - interesting addition. Could be an Other planted there as>part of the testing/disorientation theyre doing to our captives. Couldbe>a survivor from the plane crash we've not seen before. Could be acaptive>from another Other group. Or could be something else. My bet, based onno>info whatsoever? I wonder if he was also in the hot air balloon.>At least two of our captives - Jack and Sawyer - had little bandages on>them. First glance, I assume that's where they were drugged. But maybe>also blood was taken? The Others burned kate's clothes, too - some kindof>medical precautions against this Sickness thing Rousseau had talkedabout.>Under the heading of 'not sure if I like this trend or not': Jack inthe>first season, like Locke in the first season, was your typical TV hero->competent and decisive and loaded with mad useful skillz and soemoneyou'd>naturally defer to as a leader. As we go along and learn more aboutthese>guys, becomes much more obvious that they're such damanged goods>emotionally that I'd be more willing to follow Mark Foley into a ChuckE.>Cheese (hey-o!). When Jack is reduced to tears because Julliette saysthat>her big file indicates his wife is happy? You can chalk some of that upto>he's dehydrated and disoriented and in a bad overall situation. Butpart>of it also is that he's obviously more than a little batpoo crazy. Didhe>really hear his a voice (his father's) over that intercom or was it a>hallucination? Interesting though that he obviously feels some heavy>guilty for his father's death since he sent dad back off the wagon.>Accusing your dad of sleeping with your wife will do that. I know.First>hand.>Your observations?

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