Friday, October 06, 2006

Theories, details, clues, etc.

I attached to "the other sara's" post cause I don't know how to blog. Just re-posting this so everyone can see it.

So a friend of mine said that the green hue in the aquarium hatch that Jack is in could mean something. Apparently in theater when a green light shines onstage it means "death." Spoooooooooky.

Also I rewatched the premiere yesterday (cause I'm that cool) and at the beginning of the episode the book club is arguing over whether Benry would've approved of the book they were reading. Apparently he wouldn't have. So really, they have to run everything by Benry? Obviously he's some sort of leader, but like someone said yesterday are there two groups of Others? Are these not really the Others that Rousseau (sp) was talking about?

Finally, A USA Today article on Wed. quoted Benry (the actor who's name I forget) as saying Henry Gale's quote to Michael "We're the good guys." will eventually be spelled out for us.

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