Thursday, May 14, 2009

Eff you, Lost

To paraphrase Corky St. James, you can got to hell and die, Lost.
That's how you end out the season finale? With a big white screen and then we have to wait more than seven months to see what happens next? Inconceivable.
Anyway, you all were there last night, you know what happened. But some interesting clues were revealed to the big picture - we start with Jacob and the guy who eventually impersonated Locke stuck in some kind of battle over the island (side note - Jacob wearing light colors, the other guy wearing dark colors - obvious metaphor?) From the little bit of conversation between them, the differing philosophies seem to be over whether to keep outsiders from the island (because it inevitably ends in fighting and death, the Faux Locke guy says) or not (because those outsiders eventually might bring the island to some goal, Jacob indicates).
Interesting how those philosophies seem to have been mirrored by Ben and Widmore later on.
Also fascinating to think that maybe every Dead Person Walking scene we've had since season one and Jack's dad in the jungle might all have been caused by the Faux Locke guy as he tried to manipulate everyone into place. It seems likely that he somehow caused Ben to see his dead daughter (for it was she who told Ben to do whatever Locke said and surely if that was a real ghost/the island/etc/, she'd have known that wasn't really Locke.) in fact, we know can question this whole idea of whether the island itself has any kind of consciousness at all.
Instead, it seems more likely that our Losties - for whatever reason - have been pawns of Faux Locke and Jacob for years. Jacob in particular took all these steps that now in retrospect seem particularly designed to get the Losties BACK to the island (his run-in with young Kate maybe planting the seed that she shouldn't 'steal' baby Aaron, his appearance at Jin and Sun's wedding maybe to reinforce their love and thus ensure she tries to get back to find him and so on).
So perhaps the "they're coming" comment dying jacob made is in reference to the Losties. My 50 cents says that the final season opens with Oceanic Flight 815 landing on the island instead of crash landing, that the stuff that happened in 2007 (such as the whole Faux Locke stabbing still happened for reasons we still don't yet understand) still happened and that the final season revolves around undersanding the big forces at play and how and why the Losties have some pivotal role in al this.
There were rumors that a Major Character would die in the finale. Am wondering if instead of Juliette it's in fact Locke. Though it could be Sayid.
My head hurts. For a show seemingly heading into home, there still are a LOT of huge quesitons remaining. Like what the ^(#^)# is going on here.