Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Frank Lapidus is back!

Aside from that, we get very little that is tangible out of this interview. Except it seems Walt won't be back.

Here, meanwhile, is a rundown on the promotional poster mentioned in the interview. Locke is standing backwards? Creee-pppy!

The countdown has begun, my fellow Lost addicts!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Eff you, Lost

To paraphrase Corky St. James, you can got to hell and die, Lost.
That's how you end out the season finale? With a big white screen and then we have to wait more than seven months to see what happens next? Inconceivable.
Anyway, you all were there last night, you know what happened. But some interesting clues were revealed to the big picture - we start with Jacob and the guy who eventually impersonated Locke stuck in some kind of battle over the island (side note - Jacob wearing light colors, the other guy wearing dark colors - obvious metaphor?) From the little bit of conversation between them, the differing philosophies seem to be over whether to keep outsiders from the island (because it inevitably ends in fighting and death, the Faux Locke guy says) or not (because those outsiders eventually might bring the island to some goal, Jacob indicates).
Interesting how those philosophies seem to have been mirrored by Ben and Widmore later on.
Also fascinating to think that maybe every Dead Person Walking scene we've had since season one and Jack's dad in the jungle might all have been caused by the Faux Locke guy as he tried to manipulate everyone into place. It seems likely that he somehow caused Ben to see his dead daughter (for it was she who told Ben to do whatever Locke said and surely if that was a real ghost/the island/etc/, she'd have known that wasn't really Locke.) in fact, we know can question this whole idea of whether the island itself has any kind of consciousness at all.
Instead, it seems more likely that our Losties - for whatever reason - have been pawns of Faux Locke and Jacob for years. Jacob in particular took all these steps that now in retrospect seem particularly designed to get the Losties BACK to the island (his run-in with young Kate maybe planting the seed that she shouldn't 'steal' baby Aaron, his appearance at Jin and Sun's wedding maybe to reinforce their love and thus ensure she tries to get back to find him and so on).
So perhaps the "they're coming" comment dying jacob made is in reference to the Losties. My 50 cents says that the final season opens with Oceanic Flight 815 landing on the island instead of crash landing, that the stuff that happened in 2007 (such as the whole Faux Locke stabbing still happened for reasons we still don't yet understand) still happened and that the final season revolves around undersanding the big forces at play and how and why the Losties have some pivotal role in al this.
There were rumors that a Major Character would die in the finale. Am wondering if instead of Juliette it's in fact Locke. Though it could be Sayid.
My head hurts. For a show seemingly heading into home, there still are a LOT of huge quesitons remaining. Like what the ^(#^)# is going on here.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why do you keep calling me Calvin?

Might as well replace those VW vans with Deloreans because we're now in Back to the Future territory. After much insistence that the future cannot be changed, suddenly we are being told that maybe it can be. Which annoys me a bit. Either A) the Losties are going to prevent the 1977 catastrophe that sets everything in motion with the button and the the plane crash and everything else, in which case the show then becomes a moot point and we never get answers to the dang island mysteries because no one ever ends up there or B) they fail to prevent that destiny in which case we're just going up a rabbit hole that leads nowhere. Either way, this turn of events does not bode well.
Meanwhile, we have many more answers and yet more questions. So Daniel knows pretty much everything, including that in six hours drilling will release all this electromagnetic energy and yadda yadda. How'd he come by that knowledge? And is Daniel's mom Dr. Manhattan or something, that she can 'see' everything that is to happen? The specifics of all this are so maddeningly unclear.

A few thoughts:
- It’s kinda cool they found an actress who looks enough like young Eloise Hawking to play her 30 years ago.
- It's always good to see Radzinsky frustrated and suffering and angry. That actor does really peeved better than anybody. "A physicist shot my hand!" Niiiice.
- In a few hours (in 1977 time), there's some big electromagnetism release that is a big disaster. That, presumably, is the Incident that leads to the Swan hatch numbers thing and all that and to people like Miles and Charlotte being taken off island in their childhood.
- So Miles was born on the island, and can talk to the dead. Ethan was born on the island and seemed to have freaky strength. Daniel also an island-born kid? That might explain his mad math skillz. And the fact some island-born folks have such abilities might also explain why the Others were so interested in tackling the infertility problem (hence bringing Juliette on the island) - because those kids are special in some way.
- So there have been rumors a major character would die soon on Lost. Am hoping it's not Daniel, though that gunshot wound to the chest looks to be more than a neck scractch. (Speaking of gunplay, Jack must be a gamer to know to shoot the fuel tanks and make them blow up. Next let's pit him against some zombies).

Friday, April 24, 2009

And now for something completely different

Here is a Q&A producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse did with Variety magazine, the questions submitted by readers. Nothing all that stunning there, but the question about digital retouching of scenes I found particularly interesting:

Q. When the show is all said and done, how do you want the show to be remembered … and about 20 years after the show has ended would you both be willing to be involved in the remake/relaunch of “Lost,” and if so, what would you do differently? What has the show taught you? (Combined Ramsey Lawson and Jon P.)
DL: I think our hope is that looking back on the entire run of the show, that people remember the EXPERIENCE of watching it — what it actually felt like to be mystified and frustrated and surprised — as opposed to just where it landed storywise. When all is said and done, we’ll have consumed six years of our fans’ lives and our greatest wish is that they look back on that time and feel that it was all worth it. As far as whether we’ll want to revisit “Lost” 20 years from now, the answer is probably no… though it would be pretty cool to see what someone else might come up with!

Q. Have you had any regrets about previous character deaths coming too soon, and whether you might have wanted (in hindsight) to have given them a little more time on the island? (Corey)
DL: The one that comes to mind is Mr. Eko. That was a situation where we had some pretty cool ideas as to where we were gonna take the character, but unfortunately, Adewale was not really interested in working on the show beyond Season Two. This forced us into a position of having to kill him “prematurely,” and even though we had no control over him leaving, we probably could have executed (pun intended) the death itself with a little more finesse.

Q. How much did it mean to the writing of the show to know exactly how many episodes you had left to tell the story? (Derek) … The ‘end date’ agreement you reached with ABC was groundbreaking for network television and REALLY saved “Lost” from spinning its wheels indefinitely. It also made the show pretty much “cancel-proof,” as you now know exactly WHEN the show will leave the air. Do you feel like “Lost’s” agreement will set a trend that other networks/producers will adopt? (Cheif Brody)
DL: Negotiating the end of the show and effectively cancelling ourselves in the process was without a doubt the single most awesome thing that ever happened to “Lost.” As writers, we had reached a very frustrating impasse… we had already told our beginning and we knew the ending we wanted to work toward, but all we could actually write was the middle. We knew the show would hit a new gear once we ditched the flashbacks and started to tell the story of the people who left the island, but we also knew we couldn’t START that story until the audience knew we were heading down the proverbial mountain. Fortunately for us, (ABC Entertainment Group president) Steve McPherson and (then ABC Studios president*) Mark Pedowitz at the network put aside their business sense and understood that creatively, ending the show was absolutely necessary. Who knows if other shows will adopt the conceptual framework of a “limited” series (they’ve been doing it in the U.K. for decades and it’s awesome), but it really liberated us as storytellers.
*Note: Pedowitz is now special adviser to Disney-ABC TV Group prexy Anne Sweeney

Q. A while back, I remember reading you guys made a Sawyer episode with Jolene Blalock, but for some reason, decided to switch it to a Michael episode. My question is: Why? Will we ever see that footage, incorporated in some other way? Was the Sawyer-centric story ever told or was it just abandoned? Can we get it as an extra on one of the upcoming DVDs maybe? (Chase)
CC: This happens all the time in both film and TV, scenes or storylines are shot that just don’t work out as you hoped. We’ve been fortunate to have a really high success rate on “Lost.” In fact, that was the only time we dumped an entire storyline. No fault of the actors — it just wasn’t properly conceived. We have no plans to put it on the DVDs because unlike most deleted scenes, which just don’t fit into the body of a particular show, this storyline was not at the quality bar we have for the show.

Q. I was wondering how long “Lost” would have run in its most straightforward narrative, if you had been able to produce it that way. If you had been given free rein to run the show and let it unfold as you wanted, would it have only been four seasons long? Five? If not, how much further along in the storyline would we be right now? What parts of seasons two and three would have been more truncated? (Ryan/similar question asked by Foobeka)
CC: At the end of the day “Lost” will have run for exactly the right amount of time. At one point we’d talked about 100 episodes being ideal but as we got further downstream we came to appreciate the extra 20 or so hours. It’s funny now, the question we are being asked the most has shifted from, “Do you guys know what you’re doing?” to, “Do you guys have enough time left to tell your story?” People used to be worried that “Lost” was spinning its wheels. Now the concern is, are we gonna be able to wrap it all up in only one more short season?

Q. What works may have influenced you?:
You’re obviously huge fans of Stephen King… I was wondering how the ending to “The Dark Tower” informs yours. (Simplevincent)… I have read that “The Stand” is very influential to the mythology of “Lost.” (William) Are you guys fans of Irish literature as “Lost” seems to have similarities to a number of famous Irish stories, including of course ‘Ulysses”? (Brian) … The “Star Wars: Episode 4” influences are on display. True? (.35) … I have wondered if one of your big influences came in the form of a wicked British children’s show called “Children of the Stones,” particularly with time and cycles. (Spymunk and JimK). I am struck by the similarities in scope and tone between “Lost” and “The Prisoner.” (Jeanette) Of all the books referenced in the show, which fathered your show’s structure the most? (Mischa)
Are any of these, indeed influences and are there others not mentioned here?
CC: For both Damon and me Stephen King’s “The Stand” was the most influential model for “Lost.” Because “Lost” is not the tenth carbon copy of a medical, legal or cop show there wasn’t a clear roadmap for how to make it work for 100 episodes by looking at other TV shows. So instead we turned to “The Stand,” a 1,000-page novel with a high-concept idea at the core: most of the world’s inhabitants have been killed by a super flu. What we loved about the book was that what sustains the 1,000 pages is not the mythology of the super flu but the stories of the characters. The mystery of what was happening on this island had to be secondary to the mystery of “who are these people?” In terms of creative inspiration we owe a debt to many other sources: the Bible, “Twin Peaks,” “The Prisoner,” the Narnia Chronicles, and of course “Star Wars” and all of its mythological antecedents, Kurt Vonnegut and Flannery O’Connor.

Q. Can you comment on why the show’s signature flashbacks have been replaced by the “three years later/earlier” title cards? I think you could have kept the flashback device the way it was and the audience would have understood. Right now it feels a little like spoon-feeding and I’d like to think I (and your viewers) are smarter than that. (Max)
DL: Our viewers are extremely smart… in fact, WAY smarter than us. That being said, when we’re doing flashforwards and flashbacks while the island itself is flashing through time, we felt it was necessary to use the title cards just so WE could keep the story straight. The good news is that we usually only do it once a show to remind the audience where our characters are relative to each other, but once we’ve established it, we just go back to the good ole WHOOOOOOSH.

Q. How much goes into maintaining continuity on such a complex show? (Alberto) (Adam adds that “your continuity guy is a god.”)

CC: A lot. We have Gregg Nations who works for us and is in charge of continuity. He keeps detailed records of everything that happens on the show. He doesn’t have what’s going to happen; only what HAS happened — but he meticulously checks everything we publish in each script against that historical continuity. Not that we don’t make mistakes once in a while but given the enormous complexity of our show, our error rate is low.

Q. I am so happy to watch your long-term planning start to really pay off in the story. Have you had the idea to actually film scenes or at least parts of scenes long in advance due to age or set changes? If you could have in season one, would you have filmed a couple shots of 10-year-old Walt looking down into a pit saying “Get up John”? (Cole)
DL: We’re really concerned about shooting scenes WAY in advance for a couple reasons. The first is straight up security… if such a thing leaked, the spoiler sites would find out HUGE plot reveals way before we want them to. The second reason we don’t do this is that while the overall story of the final season has been planned for almost five years now, we still enjoy the organic process of actually writing these scenes in the order we’re filming them.

Q. What challenges do you face in creating a nearly deserted island? Do you ever need to digitally remove planes, boats, or houses in post? (
CC: “Lost” would not be possible without the tremendous advances in visual effects technology in the last few years, especially the drop in costs and the ability to do complex visual effects on a TV budget and schedule. The island of Oahu where we shoot the show is very beautiful but also very populated and developed. We remove roads, telephone poles, houses, boats and surfers in nearly every episode. But even more importantly, VFX allow us to make Hawaii look like literally any place in the world. We’ve used our VFX team to turn Oahu into Iraq, Berlin, Paris, Tunisia and even a snowy winter in Red Square. In fact, in the entire 100-plus episode history of the show we’ve only shot four scenes off the island, mainly due to actor availability.

— Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Gentle Ben

Oh dear sweet gentle Ben. He may be a manipulative killer, but he also likes little kids. Awww ....

Anyway, that was one humdinger of an episode, answering many questions and opening up many more. Let's go through it, shall we?

Things we now know: How Ben got all battered before he ended up on the plane. How Alex ended up with Ben.

Things that are more clear, though still not totally understood:
-We have a better sense the Whispers are, as we generally thought, an indicator the Others are near (since Ben told Rousseau if she ever heard the whispers to run the other way).
-The smoke monster does judge people and kill some (like Eko), though we're still not sure what it is and what its criteria are and what other role it plays.
- How/why Whidmore got kicked off the island. Apparently going on and off the island and having a kid off the island violates some kind of rules, though what rules? And didn't Ben violate these same rules as he seemingly was off quite a bit? Same too with Richard Alpert.
- Dead people seen on the island seem to be a manifestation of the smoke monster (case in point, Alex last night) doing the island's bidding.
- Chronology. Ben took Alex back in 1988 when Rousseau shipwrecked there, so he was an active Other then. Four years later, he helps wipe out the Dharma initiative? How's he go back and forth between those two lives? And Widmore was banished from the island sometime after the Purge (given the fact he was taken away on the sub)? But he's mentioned how he's been gone from the island for 20 years.
- What's up with Ben's hair when he goes to kill Rousseau and ends up taking Alex? It's like something Andrew McCarthy would've worn in "St Elmos's Fire."

Things that we have no frickin' clue about: Illana and the other survivors of the second plane crash, what's up with them? Are they just going gun crazy because of what happened with Caesar, which would be understndable? Or is there something more, given Illana sking that weird 'what's in the shadow of the statue?' question? (And was that a literal question or some kind of code phrase ?) The Dharma folks built their houses atop this subterranean series of caverns that can access the smoke monster? Didn't they have zoning? Is Caesar dead? What is the temple for - the worship of what? What's in the box? Who is Penny's off-island mom?

Things that were awesome:
- Ben heading to kill Penny. Ben shooting Desmond. Ben pointing the gun at Penny. Penny surely is going to buy it. Then Ben drops his arm when he sees baby Charlie and Desmond pummels the heck out of him. No one does 'getting the tar beaten out of him' better than actor Michael Emmerson.
- Ben's line "i just didn't have time to talk you back into killing yourself."
- the sudden sense that while healing is a commonplace miracle on the island, resurrection is suddenly some other entirely crazy realm no one has seen before.
- the fascinating religious imagery going on here, with death and resurrection, judgment and repentence.

Your thoughts?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three years without a fire

Lil’ Ben is seemingly dead. Let's contemplate that, shall we?
Point: Sayid is a stone-cold killer, if there’s one thing he knows how to do it’s gun down a kid.
Counterpoint: the past cannot be changed, according to the rules of this show
True: yet the past already has been changed by the fact people from the future have gone there
Counterpoint: the island has healing powers, as we;ve seen numerous times in the past
Point: yet it doesn’t seem to have healing properties yet in 1977, or else one would think that wouldve come up in Dharma orientation or something. Perhaps the healing is a byproduct of the Incident, whatever that is.
Counterpoint: if lil’ Ben is dead, then the Oceanic group almost instantly wouldve disappeared from 1977 because then their past was changed and they never would’ve ended up on the island again. Kinda like that whole 'Butterfly Effect' idea, if you saw that Ashton Kutcher movie.
Counterpoint: so if Big Ben had been shot 30 years earlier when he was a kid, you’d think adult Ben never wouldve worked with adult Sayid.
Point: maybe the act of shooting Lil' Ben caused a split in time, with now our Losties being in an alternate reality, as every action we do creates branches and offshoots.
Counterpoint: this show already deals with time travel and smoke monsters and giant statues from ancient Egypt. If we start delving into alternate realities too, then this show may be jumping the shark big time. This isn't 'Sliders,' for pete's sake.
THe counterpionts seem to have it.
But let us praise Ben. The master manipulator tricked Sayid into thinking that killiing off Widmore folks was Sayid’s idea, a way of protecting the islanders. And I’m pretty convinced Ben hired the bounty hunter that brought Sayid back.
Meanwhile what is the deal with the Swan hatch? It was built underground, seemingly to hide it. ANd now the Dharmites seem willing to kill in part to keep it secret. It seems far more important than just for the study of electromagnetic radiation, yknow?
Random thoughts:
- It's been awhile since we had a flashback episode. Interesting return to form.
- William Sanderson! For us fans of 'Newhart' and 'Blade Runner,' it's always good to see that creepy-ass guy finding work. Here's hoping we see more of Larry, and perhaps his brother Darryl and his other brother Darryl.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


For those of you who care, I thought it'd be useful to share some of the resources out there for Lost.
I'm sure most everyone knows about Lostpedia, the Lost wiki. Invaluable as a reference tool.
My favorite Lost podcast is Lostcasts, which also has a quite good Web site as well as some interesting analysis that they synthesize from what's online in various forums
And I always enjoy the USA Today 'Pop Candy' discussions after an ep. While most of the comments are ignorable or loopy, a few raise some interesting questions or hypotheses.

Back in the saddle again

Yes, yes, I know.
Anyway, let's get to the important stuff:

- So why didn't Sun and Ben end up on the island in 1977 with the other Oceanic crew who needed to return? My guess, because Sun and Ben already are on the island in 1977. We saw lil' Ben (nerd!!!) and I'm betting that Sun is there in some fashion as well. You can't have that kind of paradox, as anyone who saw Jean Claude Van Damme's Timecop can attest. As to why Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid had to return to the island in 1977, that remains a big question mark. There had been some speculating they were needed to prevent or cause the Incident (which many thought might be Ben's killing of the Dharma folks. But that happened in 1992, so no reason for the Losties to be back 15 years prior to that). But perhaps whatever is involved with the Swan hatch construction and the numbers thhat have to be pressed and all that weird light in the sky energy release is key. Who knows. This show is starting to hurt my head.
- So how awesome was that, Juliet seeming to screw with Kate and leaving her dangling briefly at the Dharma orientation? I think we're definitely going to see a love triangle around Sawyer at some point.
- So how awesome was that, Sawyer being Mister In Control and quietly telling Jack off? I like how this show started out with Jack being a stereotypical TV uberhero - good looks, in control, take charge, and over time we've seen how messed up and ridiculous he can be at times, leaping before looking.
- So now we get a sense of a couple other Dharmas who survived the purge - baby Ethan I think we're to believe grows up to be Other Ethan, and Rasinski is the same guy who drew the big mural map of the island in the Swan hatch and was one of the people punching in the numbers and then blew his brains out and left the job to that CIA guy who was living in the hatch when shipwrecked Desmond showed up, that Rasinski.
- So why did Othersburg look so messed up when Sun and Frank went over there? Am assuming the plane landed on the island in 2007, three years after everyone left, so the jungle has reclaimed some of it. After those commandoes on the freighter shot a lot of it up. Meanwhile, that runway the jet landed on - the same thing Kate and Sawyer were clearing when they were prisoners of the Others? But what prompted the Others to clear this runway to begin with? Do Sun and Frank (who I now am giving the Sully Award for the awesomest flying of the year on TV) go back in time and relate what happened to them and someone in 1977 is taking notes of 'here's all the stuff we need to do in the future - in 2004, a plane crashes, here is a list of folks on it of interest; in 2007, another plane nearly crashes, better clear off a runway)?
- So Christian Shepard was dead, brought back to life on the island in a plane crash (assuming that is in fact Christian). Can Locke do the same thing now? All this appearing all over the place?
- So where the heck in 1977 are the other Oceanic survivors, like Bernard and Rose? Are they in Other/Hostile hands? Are they actually Others now/then?
- So based on the previews, next week looks awesome. Sayid out to kill a kid. Major Lostie vs. Lostie fighting.
- So overall I thought it was a decent if not wow episode. It moved some plot points along and it was awesome to see Ben get a paddle to the head, even though it was buy crazy-eyed Sun. And I enjoyed Sawyer's Winston Churchill monologue. Remember - RIF. Reading. Is. Fundamental.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here comes sickness

A character dead! An arm ripped off! A compound leg fracture! Awesome awesomeness all around in last night's ep.
So what'd we learn?
1) Farraday's mom knows more than anyone else, including Ben, what actually is going on. Raising new, bigger questions of who the heck is she.
2) The sickness Rousseau referred to wayyyyyy back in season one has something to do with exposure to the smoke monster, and is seeminlgy not the same as the time distortion sickness that we're seeing on the island or that the freighter crew was suffering from. (The three Frenchies who were down in the lair seemingly turned evil in some way, while young Rousseau never went down there thanks to time jumping Jin.) While it doesn't really raise new questions, the reappearance of Smoky does renew old questions of what the heck it is and why it killed Eko (and now Frenchy Nadine) and so on.
(A Rousseau reminder, she told us long ago the other people who got shipwrecked on the island got some kind of sickness and she had to kill them. Just as we saw. But who wasn't sure for a second that it was going to turn out she was the nutjob instead of her husband?) So why didn't she remember Jin, 16 years later? Even with the passage of time, you'd think you'd recall a disappearing Korean guy.
3) So CHarlotte - as we suspected - had been on the island in the past - in this case, in her childhood. And we suspect Miles has as well, most likely as the baby seen in that Marvin Kendle flashback scene. So does Farraday also have an island history? Perhaps Mother Hawking is an Other?
4) So now we know how Ben knows things have gone awry on the island since he left - he heard it from Locke before Locke died. But how were things to be better if it was Locke, and not Ben, who moved the island? Why wouldn't the net results be the same? And speaking of Locke moving the island, we either now have a situation where Locke - sometime in the distant past - is now back on the mainland or, more likely, he is on the mainland in our present. Which seems to lack a logical consistency. If he moved the island in, for example, 1600 AD, why would he show up in 2007? Also, if the island folks got unstuck when the island moved through time/space, why wouldn't they be 'stuck' again in a fixed point since Ben moved the island? (We know they're not because Farraday has yet to encounter lil' Charlotte or to get a hardhat job with the Dharma Initiative).
Heres hoping that next week Mama Hawking has some answers before my head hurts much more.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"That part was true."

Welcome back, Rochester-area Lost fans. Your dreams were your ticket out.
It's been a long dry patch without our favorite crazy nonsensical show that increasingly makes no sense. And yet we missed it terribly, didn't we?
Now let's get into the post-game.
First off, while not the best ep. ever (that might be the Desmond bouncing around in time one), it was definitely a good two-hour kickoff to the season. We had ghost Ana Lucia and Hot Pocket throwing and Frogurt getting killed by flaming arrow and nameless killer getting killed by dishwasher and a caviar sandwich. All of those little touches just reinforce what a fun romp that show is, even if you ignore the whole mystery aspect of the island.
(And I think the writers were giving a nod to how ridiculous things are ultimately, with Hurley's explainer to his mom.)
So what'd we learn last night? Not much.
We have maybe an inkling of how Richard has stayed young - perhaps he is bouncing through time himself. Or he could be ageless. Who knows. Then we have questions like how you even stop such a Quantum Leap-like existence as bouncing through time every few minutes, stopping just long enough for Ethan to shoot you. Let's ask Iggy. Interesting touch, though, how Desmond is the one X factor who can change time (outside of Dan saying what has happened cannot be changed. I loved the bit with Dan talking today to Desmond four or so years ago, and Desmond remembering it today. Very trippy.)
We still don't know quite why our Oceanic Six needs to return to the island. One bit of speculation I read - the island needs them as its Constant. That theory makes my head hurt.
Things we can speculate on:
Locke/Bentham is not dead, at least permanently. There seemed to be some deliberate dialogue by Ben dancing around Locke being dead, which I think was a deliberate choice.)
Sun is targeting Kate and maybe some other Oceanic Six for her revenge. A coincidence the lawyers show up demanding a blood sample at around the same time Sun happens to be in the States for a visit and calls Kate? Please. She maybe was even the one behind the killers sent after Sayid and Hurley. And she seems to have that crazy thing going on when she asks how Jack is with - to my eyes - seemed to be barely contained anger.
Am assuming the uniformed folks with guns who capture Juliet and Sawyer at the end are Dharma folks. But maybe not?
This ep. advanced the story and gave us a lot of action, though still not a lot of answers. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our long dark night of sitting through SuperNanny is over

I mean we all watched that, right? Huh? You mean you didn't? Ummmmm I didn't either. Yeah that's it. I was just joking. *laughing nervously*

Well, there's been so much build up to tonight that writing more would be overkill at this point. We all know the questions that are out there to be answered and the drama that hung over the island at the end of last season.

I think I speak for all of the Lost Talk editorial staff when I sum up my feelings about tonight thusly:

It better not suck.