Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The hours

According to TV Guide, this season will get an extra hour added to it - 14 hours long instead of the strike-shortened 13 hours. So why the sigh, you ask? Here's how the season finale will work - hour one of the finale will air May 15, then there will be no Lost on the 22nd to make room for the Grey's Anatomy finale. Then on May 29, the other two hours of the finale ep. Apparently the Lost producers convinced ABC those last two hours had to air together.
So a week without Lost essentially in the middle of an episode. Quelle annoying.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lost's hips, Lost's thighs, you got me hypnotized

Due to popular reader demand (thanks for making the staff here at Lost Central feel needed, Sheila R.), LostTalk is back for a Fill In The Downtime Until The April 24 Episode session.
The basis for today's reading material will be some info from the official Lost Podcast put out by ABC and the most recent Entertainment Weekly, which had a story about Lost. If you don't want anything spoiled, avert your eyes.
- Every season finale episode has had a code name used internally by the Lost production staff. Season 3, with the first flashforward, was "The Snake in the Mailbox," the significance being that would be something you'd never see coming, a snake in your mailbox, and it would shock the heck out of you. So this season finale's codename? "The Frozen Donkey Wheel." What's it mean? I don't know.
- So this whole Desmond adrift in time thing, it started happening when he left the island. Why wasn't he so effected when he left the island once before on that yacht? Answer, according to the official Lost podcast, is that he likely never really left the influence of the island, that maybe he only got a few miles out and then boated in circles. Getting on and off the island apparently can only be done on a very precise course. The Lost producers likened it to reentering the Earth's atmosphere from space - too steep, you burn up. Too shallow, you bounce back into space.
Also, Desmond got a big honkin' dose of electromagnetic radiation when the hatch imploded after his yacht episode, that wouldve been a trigger.
- No shocker, the producers also confirmed that the adrift in time psychosis we're seeing is The Sickness Rousseau referred to.
- Finally, a second no shocker, but a confirmation of what we suspected - when we've seen Walt on the island recently, such as when Locke was shot and in that pit, that was actually not Walt but an apparition tied to the Smoke Monster. Supposedly we'll learn more about that soon.
- Coming up, we find out from Entertainment Weekly that this season we will get answers to some big questions: how'd the Oceanic 6 leave? what happened to those left behind? why is Sayid working for Ben as a killer? who is in that coffin from Jack's Jim Morrison flash forward?
- There also will be a major gun battle involving Locke's group of Losties. My guess- it involves whoever shot Rousseau and Carl. (My guess, those big gun-toting mercenary like dudes from the freighter, on a Go Kill Ben and Anyone Else cruise).
- It also sounded like we might get a Ben-centric flashback in which we see him in his globetrotting days, which could be fun.
Anyone got any interesting tidbits? Theories? Speculations?