In our prosaic now, we still struggle with that same idea, though today we couch it in terms of "nature vs. nurture."
Which leads us to Lost's major daddy issues.

Last night was another solid in-park triple of an episode. We got some answers (what are the Numbers? They're coordinates for a magic mirror that spied on people who could be replacements for Jacob! Ohhhh, duh! Why didn't I see that obvious answer in Season One?!). We got Craaaaazy Claire with an animal skull baby in a bassinet. We got some intriguing new notions (With Jin's leg all messed up like that, does that indicate maybe the healing properties of the island are no more? With Jack freaking out about his scar the way he did briefly at LAX about the cut on his neck, is there more to Earth 2 than it just being 'the world where the island didn't influence the Losties' lives?' And could the two come together at some point?) We got foreshadowing of something big and ugly going down at the temple (nice ongoing manipulation of Claire into Rambo Lizzie Borden, Smoke Monster Locke Jack's Dad thing) and of someone coming to the island (my bet, Desmond).
And we got a return to the ongoing theme in Lost of how parental issues can really screw up your life. We've seen Locke, Jack, Sawyer to an extent and Kate to an extent all grapple with this. Now we got a second dose of Jack's father love/hate and Earth 2 Jack seemingly working to overcome that (shades of the way Locke last week was having more success overcoming his handicap self hate than he did in Earth 1?)
And what's with each Earth 2 flash sideways containing a Lostie run-in with an Other? I can't even begin to speculate on where this is going. My brain hurts a lot just thinking about it.
So who's David's mom? Inquiring minds want to know!
And how interesting is it that the Candidates apparently are the bosses of the Others, though they only are starting to get a sense of that.
So here's where we stand - Jack seemingly chosen for something big, Hurley as his Pancho Villa, both out in nowheresville. Jin trapped with psychos and monster badasses. Locke building a group of followers. Dynamite. A seeming convergence on the temple. This is starting to look like a build up like in Stephen King's The Stand, with forces of good and evil. Except that Jacob seems to be just as much a manipulator as Smokey Locke, so I dont think the simplistic labels of 'good' and 'evil' apply here very much. We shall see.
On a side note, check this craziness out!
Let the discussion begin .... now!
The intro was funny... liked the little "Don't sue us!" disclaimer at the end.
I owe this to the New York Times, but I liked seeing how this episode paralleled the Season 1 episode 5 Jack story, right down to the Alice in Wonderland references.
And at some point, I think the two parallel time lines have to meet up, in something more than Jack's nagging sense of deja vu. If this sideways stuff just turns out to be a cutesy story telling device...well, that would stink more than a dead naked mole rat rotting in the back seat of your sun-baked car.
You make a good point about Jacob. His laid back fatalism about Jack's outburst is disquieting.
Not being one of those people who follows the show (even if I did, I wouldn't understand it), I read this weekly anyway. It's always well-written and creative. And it has cool pictures. Good Job, Daneman!
Did I know Bizarro Jack had a son and that he was a piano prodigy? Did Jin find a set of Rosetta Stone English language CD’s on the island? If Clair can build a camp and set bear traps (presumably polar bear traps) all by herself, why can’t she make a comb out of a fish bone so she looks pretty for her little skull baby? Oh, and why would Jack break the magic lighthouse mirrors? It’s because of people like him that they lock the restrooms in state parks.
All in all, another addicting episode, but next week … oh boy, watch out. The trailer for next week’s LOST was chopped up in peek-a-boo images with the promise that, “answers will be given.” Yeah, well there better be.
I’m all set to Google the home addresses of Carlton Cuse and J.J. Abrams, and I’m all for leasing a bus and heading out there with flaming broomsticks and pitchforks if this is another wormhole bailout. If we leave now, we can be there by Monday. Cripes, if I knew I needed an advanced degree in both mathematics and physics to watch LOST, I would have taken classes at RIT.
Daneman, you are my new go-to guy for LOST translations. Thanks!
Wouldn't it be trippy if Juliet turns out to be David's mommy?
Clair's friend is un-Locke?
After this week's trip to the lighthouse, I'm completely convinced that the Island is MYST.
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