Nothing like a good beating over the head with the whole notion of rebirth and redemption. Case in point, our latest episode of 'Lost.' Sayid, the torturer, gets tortured. The island role of Danielle Rousseau, the crazy French lady, is seemingly picked up by Aussie Claire.
And speaking of Rousseau, the Infection (harkening back to/same as the 'Sickness' Rousseau said seized her fellow research team castaways?) is gettin' confusing. As we saw when Jin was bouncing through time, a member of Rousseau's team back in 1988 was dragged down into a hole by the smoke monster. Other team members went after him. They came back changed somehow and tried to murder Rousseau.
Years later, in present time, she told the Oceanic 815ers she thought the Sickness was somehow caused by the Others.
Now we have the new Others - headed by Dogen who shares the same name as a 13th century Japanese Zen master (I'd assume one of those games the writers like to play, like naming characters after notable western philosophers Locke and Rousseau) - indicating that Sayid is somehow infected with that same Sickness, as is Claire. To quote famed debater Stephen A. Douglas, 'Why the face? Huh? Asphinctersayswhat?'
I think we can assume that if Claire in fact is Infected, she got it while palling around with the smoke monster impersonating Jack's dad Christian, right? But Given that the latest Others put Sayid into that Lazarus Pit, how'd he then get infected by some outside evil? And what was up with the whole torture/diagnostics? Was the same going to happen to Jack when the Others wanted to talk with him alone?
And atop all that, poor Sawyer, having a sizable self-pity of a time dealing with Juliet's death. After all the Kate/Sawyer/Jack triangle stuff for several seasons, it's interesting to see him ultimately heartbroken over someone else altogether.

And last but not least, let's not forget Dr. Ethan there in the hospital when Claire is about to give birth. As an Other, he was after Claire's baby because of the fertility issues plaguing the Others. In the hospital, is he just there by Claire purely as fate/coincidence? Or is there still some kind of machination at work specifically after her kid?
This very much felt like an in-between episode - things happened and the story was advanced, yet it wasn't very satisfying. Yet more mysteries. When I end up using more question marks than periods, I know I'm vaguely annoyed.
Your thoughts? Your take?
First of, I'm not a "LOSTIE." I don't study every inch of LOST as if it's the Zapruder film. I need the Pop Up Video version just to stay 3 steps behind. Sadly, I'm just a regular fan who watches to see if this will be the week that it finally makes sense. So far - that's a no-go. That being said -
Sayid is the biggest pussy on Earth. As a torturer, you'd think he would have a little more backbone when somebody straps the rat bag on him, but no-o-o-o-o--o. He practically asked for his Barbie doll and a skirt after the weird Chinese guy blew ashes over his belly then zapped him with 9-volt acupuncture needles. He deserved to branded like a dairy cow after that.
Somebody really should shove him off a cliff. The sooner the better.
I both second Rick G.'s sentiment and applaud the way he said it.
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