I've never been a huge Sayid fan myself. While Jack or Locke or Ben have, over the course of the series, shown surprising layers or evolution and the actors - Matthew Fox in particular - have demonstrated some serious acting chops, Sayid/Naveen Andrews has always been, to my eye, a little static as the quiet-but-deadly guy, the suffering killer archetype that we've seen in movies and TV before.
But props to last night's Lost, which again provided an slam-bang solid hour of kick-butt entertainment, even if I remain as lost (pun!) as ever.
So in terms of answering the Big Questions, what'd we learn? Not much. There were again indications that the underlying theme is the battle of Good and Evil. But given Jacob's past manipulations and Lost's yin/yang themes, am still not sure that we can say he's unequivocably Good either. (Insert here musings on a Janus-like situation where Jacob and Man in Black are not two characters but flip sides of the same coin/the same character in some kind of 'Fight Club' scenario.)
And speaking of themes, the series' musings about people being able to transcend their innate natures got a swift kick of harsh reality in the form of both Earth-1 and Earth-2 Sayids being stone-cold killers, seemingly disproving what Sayid himself said to his brother ("I'm not that man anymore.") Was that a departure from what we've seemingly seen in recent eps with Earth-2 Jack and Locke having indications of transcending the baggage they've carried around (father issues, handicap issues)? Mebbe so. Though the latest killings - Dogen and Hippie Dude - seem to be not by the Sayid we all know. That smirk at the end, a sign of the Sickness inside him that maybe also has claimed Claire? Sayid never seemed quite that callous about killing before.
Highlights of the episode:
- Sayid in some nice Republican Guard-fu with Dogen. Then later on Smoky Flocke going on a temple killing spree. I'll give this to Lost, if they're not going to give me answers, they're at least going to throw me a nice bone of action.
- I love the 'everyone running into everyone in Mayberry' vibe going on on the island, with Miles and Kate and Sayid all bumping into one another. Five years ago, this island seemed the size of Ohio, with endless miles of green hiding secrets and tribes and all sortsa freaky stuff. Now you can't walk five minutes without tripping over somebody else.
Big question:
- So given that Flocke is talking about having Whatever You Want if you follow him, am wondering if the Earth-2 flashes sideways are not actually alternate timelines but the future/present for our Losties if they in fact do something in particular on the island. Not sure what yet. But what if these alternate life clips we're seeing are in fact what the Oceanic Bunch are heading toward. You've got an off-island life where Nadia is alive, where Locke and Hurley and Jack all are somewhat less troubled.
So, your thoughts?
Big question 2:
- In other Earth 2 flashes sideways, the Losties have bumped into Others in some fashion or another. In Sayid's case, he runs into Keamy, from Widmore's boat. Is there some significance to that discrepancy? Or is the idea merely that life is full of interconnecting lines? To quote Keanu Reaves, 'whoa.'
First to comment. Ha.
What if the flash sideways isn't really a flash sideways? What if it's one or each of the character's whatever-you-want that Flocke gives them?
To paraphrase Shrek, “LOST has layers.” I’m with you on Sayid. He’s the crybaby killer with the dulcet voice who can kill or be killed with equal abandon. What I also found out was that while every other member of the Iraqi army was learning Krav Maga, Sayid was learning the obscure fighting art of throwing random crap at your opponent. When Sayid eventually killed Mr. Miyagi even after Miyagi told him that sad tale about baseballs, I knew Sayid was badness in a tank top squared.
I’m still not sure about the big reveal that fake John Locke’s real name is John Locke Smoke Monster, but it’s handy to know that all one needs to do to escape Smoky is to jump into a hole with Clair and talk about babies.
Hey guys! Heard about this blog at the beginning of this season. Great Job!
The idea that the sideways world is what the islanders are working towards would make sense to me. That would wrap up the fact that the sideways losties get that "shouldn't i be somewhere" type look in their eyes. It would make the reappearance of some of the islanders who have passed on over the course of the first five seasons plausible as well(Maybe Claire asks Flocke to revive Charlie?, etc.) Although why would Desmond be on flight 815?(coincidence/he comes back to the island at some point in season 6/reason to be determined) That theory makes my head spin with all the possibilities but i like it!
Furthermore, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but i've since confirmed the "easter egg/mistake?", with my DVR that the date on Claire's sonogram printout from episode 3 had an October date on it. The original 815 crash occurred on Sept. 22. Wonder if this will come into play?
The last minute or so of the ep was really effective. Loved the slow-motion and creepy lullabye. But, I kept wondering, if Sawyer is Flocke's recruit, where in the heck is he? Is it foreshadowing that Sawyer wasn't lined up with the forces of evil at the temple smackdown?
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