Meanwhile, we've got the chess pieces being put into some interesting configurations on the Island. Widmore and the Smoke Monster are at odds and seemingly heading to a climactic conflict. Sayid is a shambling zombie - seemingly far more messed up than Claire actually might be.
My pet theory that Earth 2 is where this series is heading, and that it is some kind of place where the Losties get some kind of wish fulfilled received more ammo. Sawyer and Miles as LAPD cops? Isn't this just a reworking of the lives they lived in the 1970s as Dharma security? A time when Sawyer was demonstrably happy? Wouldn't it be natural for him to want a return to something like that? (the one hiccup in my theory - where's Juliette? Unless the fact he and Kate keep running into each other represents what he - or both of them - both want as well).
- So what killed the Ajira survivors? Smoke Locke is a far more likely suspect, since the sub just arrived on the island. And having the jet without all these pesky survivors would make leaving earlier, I imagine
- Reasons to like the episode: a cameo by Charlotte. And Sawyer getting wisdom from watching a rerun of 'Little House on the Prairie.'
- Reasons we should've hated the episode: Sawyer punching the mirror. Oh please. That old TV/movie chestnut?
All in all, a decent, middle of the pack episode. Sawyer's always interesting to watch.
I smell a spin-off: Sawyer and Miles as undercover cops in a big city. One is the charming, Sonny Crocket character with a weird fondness or sunflowers, quick sex and … Half Pint? The other is … well … Miles. He says sarcastic things and gets angry.
Two other quick observations: If you ever see anyone on TV wearing eyeglasses, it’s either a commercial for a company that sells eyeglasses or the person is a scientist. On LOST, the new character wore glasses. Two words: Evil scientist. One other word: Lenscrafters.
The other thing: Mirrors. You’re 1000% correct on this call, Daneman - if someone is staring in a mirror, it’s a good bet they are going to either punch the mirror or ask their mirror-self a poignant question such as, “How did Pa Ingels get his hair so puffy in the 19th century without a blowdryer?” Just once, I’d like to see someone whip out a bottle of Windex and clean a smudge off a mirror. In Sawyer’s case, he punched the mirror. He must not have liked the lack of hirsute puffiness that was staring back at him. That cliché coupled with Sawyer, the lonely bachelor orphan, tossing his lonely dinner in the lonely microwave were the only two things that dimmed this otherwise bright episode.
I was a big fan of the sideways Charlotte. And I still think the sideways world and the island world are going to merge at some point. Too many characters lives "randomly" interacting for this to be a coincidence.
By the way, Terry O'Quinn continues to be just awesome this season. I really want to see what roles he tackles after the show is over.
I second the comment about Terry O'Quinn. I would love to watch him rehearse. I would really love to watch him rehearse with Michael Emerson. *giggles* That sounds dirty.
Does anyone listen to Geronimo Jack's Beard? It's Jorge Garcia and GFs podcast. This is from last week, but they said something that blows my mind. That Locke has been Flocke for a long time. Like since he got sucked down that hole by the black smoke a couple of seasons ago. I swear taht's what they said. I keep rewinding it, but keep missing it. Does that even make sense?
So anyway. Great episode! Sideways Charlotte was awesome! And who knew that was Kate running away as soon as they saw a fugitive running from the cops? *raises hand*
WTF is wrong with Sayid? Can someone tell us?
Who also knew Claire was gonna try to kill Kate? *raises hand* And it seemed as if Kate knew too. She kept looking at her funny.
And the recon. Was that a reconcon? So Sawyer tells Widmore "i'm on your side", tells Flocke "i'm on your side", tells Kate "we're getting off this island." He's just con-con-coning to get his way, right?? Did I miss something???
Retract. Finally understood what the podcast is saying. They were just clarifying that Flocke has been Flocke since the beginning of THIS season.
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