After a long wait, Lost is back on Feb. 2. So let's have some recap and pointless speculation, shall we?
What we supposedly know from various spoilers and interviews: Boone is back. Charlie is back. Libby is dead AND back. Claire will be back. Hurley now is lucky instead of cursed. And there's been tons of Talmudic-like parsing of every ad and promo, trying to suss out details and spoilers.
The return of Boone and Hurley's good fortune seems to indicate that the atomic bomb cliffhanger from last season worked, at least to an extent, and history has been changed. But at the same time, I have to imagine one key theme of this season will be the inevitability of fate. Oceanic 815 HAS to crash, doesn't it, or there is no show.
The reboot opens the door to a number of changes. Locke could be alive again. Yet at the same time, the fact that Libby is dead seems to indicate that the atomic bomb did have some permanence as well.
The Amazing Grace promo, unfortunately, seems to be a mix of old footage and new so it's tough to get too much out of it. But the shot of Locke ducking as a plane swoops right overhead on the island looks to be new, again leading to the idea Locke is back alive.
The Official Trailer shows what looks to be 815 crashing again, but this time not on a tropical island, which could lead to all sorts of questions. Could the Island not be a major setting of action in this final season?
My favorite by far is the Chessboard promo just for its trippy visuals.
One thing I'm not looking forward to this season - the Kate/Sawyer/Jack triangle. After five seasons, I really don't care anymore. She should be with Sawyer, there, case closed.
I'm wondering if the bomb creates an alternate time line where the events of the show happen to other people. It seemed like some one we didn't know was making that distress call. But then, I start to think too much about it and my head hurts.
and did that say "Plymouth Air" on the side of the plane?
Um, no. She should NOT be with Sawyer. And I'm totally looking forward to the triangle because I'm a lame girl.
I have not watched any promos, so I'm grateful for the links.
I'm a Jate girl.
I can't believe I've been doing this blog for however long and only just figured out how to post links and art to make the thing readable. I'm so 2003.
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