So when the big Lost six-season complete DVD set comes out, and there surely will be one, one added bonus will be a few minutes of extra footage showing some of Hurley and Ben's interactions as the new Jacob/Richard dynamic duo.
That according to an interview with Michael (Ben) Emmerson.
Whoever picks up that set, you have to throw a viewing party.
I'm still on the fence on the box set. I watched the first episode (which aired Saturday before the finale) and found myself looking for clues. I'm not sure if this was distracting or if it added a new layer to how I appreciate LOST.
I mean yeah - Jin was an a-hole and Sawyer smoked and Kate posed languidly in her underwear and what would turn out to be the smoke monster hovered in the weeds but I still find it hard to believe that the writers had this whole thing plotted out from Day One, but if it did, these guys are freaking geniuses.
I don't think I'm ready for more, so much as I might be ready to digest what there already is a little better. I initially watched LOST superficially and not at all at the level of serious fans. I think I missed the fervor on the first go-around and there's a part of me that might just want to give it another try.
I also wonder if I actually would like Lost second time around. Given what we know, in hindsight so much of it might seem useless - "we just spend an entire season dealing with the Others and trying to get into this hatch? Who cares?! None of this has to do with Jacob and everyone dies anyway."
I think the huge downside to re-watching it would be in trying to not feel cheated by how the whole thing was more or less tied up in a quickie ending. I'm still trying not to look at it as Bobby Ewing in the shower, you know?
I pre-ordered Season 6, just so my collection is complete. It's also rumored to have the mini-ep of Hurley as the #1.
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