Go ahead, hate me for the lateness of this week's post. Lack of Internet access will do that.
Anyway, to the heart of the matter ...
Wow. Just wow. Obviously we're picking up momentum as we hit the final stretch of the series, so the writers feel liberated enough to take a few chances. Like kill 3.5 major characters, just wipe them off the face of the map. (Lapidus, with his awesome Beastmaster hair, I count as half a character, though he was one of my favorite tier two folks).
"The Candidate" was far more on action than answers - though a big one was solved with the realization Locke doesn't need all the candidates, he needs them dead. And even though there are only three eps. left, I still see it pretty shocking to kill off Sayid, Sun and Jin like that. And for even Hurley to break down like that was nice evidence that this show still has some great ability to tug at viewer heartstrings.
An interesting twist to show how very different Locke's life on Earth 2 was sans island - still in the chair, still a heaping dose of self loathing, but this time for turning his beloved poppy into a vegetable instead of being the perennial sucker who gets hosved out of a highrise window by dada.
I also like how even with Desmond's interference, Jack is getting this weird sense that something is amiss in Earth 2 just because every third person he meets was on the same flight as him (and speaking of Desmond, I'm now of the 'Desmond is to become the new Jacob' camp because what has Earth 2 Des been doing? Going around influence Losties lives just the same way Jacob did to get them on the island. Nice parallel there).
So why did Locke take the explosive off the plane only to plant it on the sub? Why not jst let everyone on the jet? Was he counting on a gunfight with Widmore's people to force Jack on the sub? I'll chalk that up to TV drama. Meanwhile, where was Widmore during all this gunplay? And was it Widmore who wired the plane or Ben/Richard/Miles, who set off to do just that? And who here like me is feeling increasingly bad for Claire, who is getting ditched left and right like the unwanted younger sister when you and your friends just want to go to the mall (the mall in this case being a submarine)?
1 comment:
Want to know why I like LOST? Sure the story is convoluted and obtuse, but when people die or get injured on LOST, it’s pretty. When pseudo-Locke goes on a Rambo rampage, people just drop in a narcoleptic heap. There’s no CSI style heads exploding like overripe beefsteak tomatoes. When Kate got shot, the bullet went clean through her, right above her gravity defying semi-circular boob. When Sun & Jin drowned, there was no thrashing and gasping; just a murky, hand-holding then hand parting mitosis set to piano music. Separated lovers, reunited briefly, then separated again by death, then together forever in whatever Heaven looks like on the Lost island. I imagine it looks like the LOST island, only with better restaurants and WiFi. Sun and Jin died beautifully, and although I didn’t cry hysterically like Hurley did, I did give my wife flowers the next morning.
James Sawyer? Sure, he got hit on the head with a piece of iron big enough to derail a freight train, but he was still able to buddy breathe with Jack from – what? – a mile beneath the ocean? I’m not sure how that works, but once again, Jack’s Herculean swimming abilities have been highlighted, so suck on that, Michael Phelps. The same can’t be said of “B” lister, Frank Lapidus. Once his chest hair and eyebrows got wet, he was dragged to the bottom of the briny deep. Rest in Peace, Lawnmower Man. God made him simple. Science made him a god.
And finally, my favorite character I love to hate: Sayid. In the throes of repentance for a lifetime of doing bad things, Sayid decided to take the backpack bomb and run off with it in the hopes that another room would look better wallpapered in Iraqi Republican Guard. Seeing that he’s a “winter,” that was a not a good choice for a submarine.
The end is near, Daneman. I can smell it. People are dying. Incubus Locke is getting angrier by the minute and Jack is emerging as the half-crazed, half-prophetic future guardian of the island.
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