But "The Package" was a relatively decent episode, at least in terms of Earth 2 characterization. Even though we knew Jin was ending up tied up in the restaurant and rescued by Sayid, getting there was somewhat interesting. I guess the point being that the two are eventually to be together and with child, no matter what reality we happen to be in.

Meanwhile, we got some Island Mystery advancement.
To wit:
- We know getting off the island will require another lineup of Losties, just like getting on did. The question being who now is part of that required group and why is Kate now not part of it. (Anyone got any guesses on this? My bet is that it has to do with the fact on Earth 2 she's still a fugitive on the run, not showing any ability to transcend her mistakes of the past, and thus ruling herself out as a Jacob candidate).
- We got a clearer sense of the sides shaping up. So there's Smoke Locke and his crew looking to get off island (seemingly a big no-no since everyone will 'cease to exist.') There's Richard and our ragtag folks trying to stop him. And now there's Widmore and his knockout dart shooting army of geophysicists (armed with a heavily drugged Desmond) also there to stop Locke. Though one has to imagine Widmore's motivations are more than just pure altruism (I mean, the guy also sent soldiers previously with the sole intent of whacking off Ben, so he's not exactly a Jain).
- So how the heck is Desmond supposed to be a secret weapon?
- Sun knocked the English right out of herself? Laaaaame.
- Sayid is now an emotionless automaton doing the bidding of Smoke Locke. Awesome. Ditto too Locke basically throwing meat Kate to crazed dog Claire. And ditto that actor who plays Martin Keamy. That guy should be a heavy in every movie - I get the feeling he can't even go to the dry cleaner without scaring the crap out of people.
After last week's reveals, of course this episode was going to feel a little light, as it was more about getting pieces in place than really revealing much. Like Sun taking Jack's hand on the beach, I'm still giving this show some trust that we're heading to some fun stuff.