Much apologies for the delay in this week's edition. We here at Lost Talk Central have been so transfixed by the bizarre train wreck that is the new Tiger Woods Nike ad and by noisy neighbors (his name is Tray) that a lot of things have fallen by the wayside.
So this week is housekeeping week, catching up on reader mail.
Doug from Fairborn, Ohio, writes: So what, now Desmond is going to try to convince the Earth 2 Losties to revert to their original destinies?
I think you've hit the nail on the head, Doug. We see now that Earth 2 - which we knew to be the world where things were slightly different from ours - is actually a sort of time-warped mistake, as if Biff had gotten his hands on a sports almanac from the future and became super rich and Marty had to go back in BttF II and get that almanac. The interesting corner the writers have put themselves in (and let's face it, that's what we always enjoy the most in our entertainment, that "how is Indiana Jones/Elinor Dashwood/Navin Johnson going to get out of THIS one?" moment) is to see how exactly that's going to happen. I mean, in 1977 an atomic bomb went off on the island, meaning no Oceanic 815 crash and seeming no island, even. That's a pretty tight corner to write your way out of, knowwhutimsayin'?
Marv from Boca Raton, Fla., writes: How'd you like them parallels?
Marv, you know us here so well. If nothing else, we're suckers for references and allusions, from Charlie's open hand in the car which resulted in Flashsideways Desmond's flashback to Charles Widmore offering Desmond the aged Scotch that in another life he denied him. We also dug seeing Daniel Farraday as a weird twitchy musical impresario instead of a weird twitchy physics genius.
And wasn't it awesome that the slight hints we've had that the two universes are not completely separate now are a full-throated scream as evidenced not just by Charlie, Daniel and Desmond but also by Eloise still playing her role as time cop (at one poitn chiding Desmond for some unnamed 'violation'), writes Beverly of Boulder?
Damn straight, Bevs. Even the ultimate aggravation of this show - to be chock full of questions and mysteries and then in the final season add a whole new layer of questions atop that - is still a constant hoot and frankly I don't care about the illogicality of it half the time, the characters and Easter eggs and little moments (like seeing Charles Widmore finally get smacked around a bit like he was trespassing on Clint Eastwood's lawn) make it all the worthwhile.
Dennis of Chicago writes, so if Smokey gets off the island, everything ends. But couldn't he have gotten off the island in Earth 2, after the bombing, so why is everyone there still alive?
Excellent question we here have been pondering awhile, Dennis. Hopefully someone answers this at some point.
The show has got a lot of balls up in the air right now - Smokey and his posse trying to get off island, Widmore having some plan to use the pockets of island electromagnetism to keep him there, Desmond having some tragic destiny to play in that Widmore plan, the bleeding over from Earth 2 to Earth 1, Earth 2 Desmond trying to round up the Losties to tell them something ... And we've only got a few episodes left. Tick tick tick.
It’s complicated, but I think I have a handle on it now. It can’t be an alternate universe, because they are using the same storyline on FRINGE and it’s common geek knowledge that if you use 2 alternate universe stories on TV at the same time, the Earth will be sucked into a black hole.
It’s not a dream either because nobody can fly or is running but not going anywhere because that always happens to me in my dreams. Well, that and I’m dating Megan Fox.
I think that the island is magical. Not North Pole magical, but magical nonetheless. I think it’s a man-made island and somehow Charles Whidmore and his creepy son, Daniel (who is one forehead swastika away from being Charles Manson), are in cahoots on it. No, that can’t be right either because why would there be two of everyone? Clones? Robots? V’s?
See, it keeps falling back to the alternate universe theory and after all these years of watching, if that’s it, it’ll be the end of the Truman Show all over again. I’ll be sitting on the edge of my couch watching the finale, breathless and anxious and then … and then … I’ll wake up and Megan will be gone. No, I think they have something better in mind. Something that will cement LOST as one of the most memorable TV moments ever, right next to the Zanti Misfits episode of The Outer Limits - the one with the alien ants with human heads. God, I hope there aren’t any ants with human heads, although Sayid does have those soulless ant eyes.
My bet is we're going to have some kind of Circle of Life ending - on Earth 1, some kind of electromagnetic hoochamajoo that causes the people on Earth 2, who are all on a flight again together, to crash leading, bringing us back to season one again. You heard it here first.
OK, I like that theory. Some kind of cataclysmic WHOOSH, Jack opens his eyes,and he's lying on the beach with the jet turbine inching towards his skull.
I'm buying the box set no matter what, and next flu season - BAM - it's me, the dog, a blanket and enough coffee to get me through to the end.
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