Friday, February 22, 2008

You just totally Scooby Doo'd me

As always, if you didn't watch last night's ep, don't read this, but instead catch up later at where you also can click on our one ad for the thriller Vantage Point!!

Like the blind guys and the elephant, were getting small puzzle pieces here and there that are answering some questions and opening up so many more. Which is why I'm lovin' this show.
So how did Kate end up with Claire's baby, Aaron? And why wont Jack come see the kid? First speculation - that Jack failed in some way to save Claire and feels guilt about it. Does that mean Claire is dead? Or still on the island?
The story Jack told on the stand about Kate, he's told that story numerous times, Kate says later. If this is part of the cover story the Oceanic Six have to tell, it raises interesting questions about why the story has Kate as a hero. Did the Losties create it to try to build Kate up later in anticipation of the criminal trial? Or is there some other reason?
Meanwhile, the story we know now is that eight people survived the crash and apparently six got off the island, implying two died subsequently (?) (Claire?). Does that mean two of our Losties are to die soon? So far we know Jack, Kate, Sayid and Hurley are among the six, Aaron is probably one. A big question mark is if Ben is one - though the likelihood is that he got off the island on his own accord. Considering the celebritydom that has surrounded the Six, Ben wouldve had trouble being one of the Six since he was not on the manifest or assuming the identity of someone else.
Ben hit the nail on the head when he accused Locke of not having any sort of plan or direction of his own, and just looking for the island or Jacob to tell him what to do next. I think that was reflected in the backgammon moment between Sawyer and Locke, when Locke asks whether Sawyer believes he knows what he is doing. (Meanwhile, on a side note, Locke is gettin' crazier and crazier. Just when you think he's bats--- insane, he does something even crazier like shove live grenades in people's mouths.)
Lots of questions abound:
What the heck is up with Dan's mental state that the playing card test was hinting at?
Where'd the helicopter go? Is it lost in the seeming timewarp around the island?
Interesting touches:
The book Locke brought to Ben in the basement was Valis by Philip K. Dick, which is this odd sort of s.f. novel in the form of dialogues about various religions.
I have gots to get me a Dharma coffee mug. And a videocassette of 'Xanadu.'


Anonymous said...

I have the Xanadu LP. You're welcome to borrow it anytime. ELO rocks.
Doesn't make sense that Claire made it off the island, otherwise why pretend Kate is Aaron's mom? Anyway, isn't Claire doomed to die on the island because she had the baby there? Can't remember if conception or childbirth kills. Jack may not want to see the kid because he finally learned that he and Claire are siblings and he's distraught at having found and lost his sister.
Was wondering about Dan's Three Card Monty moment too. At first I was thinking he might be having memory lapses but then I wondered if he might have psychic abilities which are failing now that he's on the island. Like maybe before he could "see" the cards and now he can't.
Love that Locke finally came out and called himself the "protector of the island." Or was it "guardian?" Either way, he's a chaotic good Ranger/Druid and I am SO down with that.

bogie said...

do you think that Jack is guilty because he tried to save Sawyer instead of Claire and both of them died despite Jack's efforts- it seems like everyone that Jack tries to help with the exception of sawyer has died on the island- the marshal, Boonie, Libby

Jack has helped Sawyer twice that I can recall- the arm wound; the shoulder infection when they come back from the failed raft adventure.

I read this theory on lostpedia- but, do you think there is a chance that Libby's background story might come through Dan- they have referred to him as the mental case- do you think Hurley will recognize him or maybe Dan will; Somehow, one of the new island people had to know Libby...