Friday, February 02, 2007

Lost: which way will the story turn?

From USA Today. There are photos and a second article linked to this one. May contain spoilers, so read at your own risk.


Dave Tyler said...

Oddly, I'm torn between calling Amy Bauer one of the biggest geeks on the planet and wondering how we can get Thursday Lost Talk peer-reviewed.

"But Amy Bauer, who moderates a peer-reviewed online journal, The Society for the Study of Lost (, feels the series has lost some sizzle and is at a creative crossroads, though it can still regain its bearings. "I will eagerly watch the 16-episode conclusion of Season 3, but the show as it stands does not inspire the fervent fan interest I felt in the first two seasons, much less the kind of Internet discussion and theorizing I saw in Seasons 1 and 2," she says."

Far To Go said...

And I'm wondering who I have to bribe to get a job writing fairly lengthy stories in major publications about such hard-hitting topics as "this popular TV show that was gone for a few weeks is back." Thanks, modern American journalism.