Friday, December 14, 2007

Woop Woop!

Who's doing the happy dance with me?

Whilst praying this season doesn't BOMB like the last one with what, 6 good episodes?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Make it stop...

The writers' strike, that is. I hope that the Writers Guild can come to a swift resolution on the contract negotiations. Otherwise, I hate to tell you, we may have to wait until February 2009 to see new episodes of our beloved show.

Source: Ask Ausiello at

UPDATE: There will be eight episodes airing in February 2008. Get the lowdown here:

Friday, September 21, 2007

Lost news!

Yes! Finally. Something. As I sit here bored out of my mind at work debating on leaving early cause my boss isn't here anyway....Check this out fans. More quesitions answered via flashback this coming season. Anyone miss Hurley's GF?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Dashed dreams...

I made Daneman's year when I told him last week that the lovely Kristen Bell, formerly of Veronica Mars, was asked to join the cast of Lost. Well, that's not going to happen. Apparently, Ms. Bell turned down the role of a "twenty-something vixen" because she didn't want to relocate to Hawaii.

Note to Kristen Bell: Um, there are worse places to shoot a TV series and currently, sister, you're unemployed.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Filling a void in Our lives

Okay, we can't let this blog stay fallow for 8 months. We need topics.
I suggest we start by guessing at what shocking developments are in store for Season 4. Apparently, Michael has agreed to come back, according to an article I read but now can't find the link to. Other wild-assed guesses?
Post away, you Lost-starved wretches.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's going to be a long eight months to season 4

This tidbit from the Associated Press says it all:
(AP) - The average viewer of the 'Lost' season finale two-hour episode said "wow," "whoa," "what the f***?" or "no they di'in't" 32.6 times Wednesday, night according to the latest Pew Foundation survey.

I mean …
Did you see …
And that one part where …

Cripes. Where to even begin.

First off, one huge mystery - Jack was on Oceanic Flight 815 to bring his father's corpse back from Australia. So why why why do we have this flash forward in which Jack makes a couple different references to his father seemingly being alive? Anyone?
Am wondering if we will have more flash forwards in seasons 4-6 - an interesting plot device, though I makes me a bit sad because it seems that at least for Jack, ostensibly the main hero, life goes into the big ol' downward spiral to the point he is channeling Jason Patric from "Rush" and popping hillbilly heroin left and right. Fascinating though that Future Jack is so obsessed with getting back to the island and torn up inside from the lies he and Kate seem to have told (about what happened there)?
And then there's the mystery of who is in the coffin that set Jack off even worse than before. Ben? Sawyer? The funeral home was in what appeared to be a poorer black neighborhood - is that a clue? Michael?
This raises another question - in the past, the flashbacks have seemed to be the Losties thinking back to their pasts, right? So this flashfoward, was Jack actually seeing this, the way Desmond does?

Lotsa death last night. Charlie - not surprising, ultimately, but still kinda tragic. He did redeem himself in the end, though, going from junkie to hero of sorts, giving his life to try to get everyone rescued. How sweet was it that his dying action is to try to warn Desmond with the Sharpie? Realistically, could he have survived - opened the hatch or tried to swim out the blown window? Maybe. But that ain't TV drama.
Then we have a boatload of Others buying it, including Tom. The "Pringles You Can't Eat Just One" award goes to Sawyer, who apparently is finding each subsequent killing to be a little easier.

I would assume that season 4 is going to focus on Naomi's group that has been searching for the island. And one would presume that at least some of what Ben said about them is true, or else we wouldn’t have drama and conflict. My guess - the Hostiles/Others have this long long history of being servants/protectors of the island from outsiders as the island has some huge significance/importance. Maybe it is dangerous, or something there can be used in a wrong way. That would explain why they were at war with Dharma, and why the Others have been so paranoid and secretive with the Losties. Now I'm wondering if the Losties and Others will have to join up to protect things from this outside force, the Naomis.
If Naomi's group wasn't working for Penny, how'd they get that photo and why did they have it? Once the island jamming ended, why did a transmission go through straight to Penny Widmore?

And who saw her death coming? Not I, said the duck. Am presuming that Walt we saw was not Walt astral projecting but Smokey as Walt. And I realize that sentence encapsulates everythign awesome and stupid about that show. Meanwhile, since when did cute little Walt become a 6''8 24-year-old?

Hurley kills someone. Hooray. Jack and hottie Juliet kiss. Hooray. Creepy Rousseau and daughter bond by tying up Ben together. Hooray. Maybe the best father/daughter scene ever - Ben saying he was brainwashing Carl to keep Alex from getting pregnant: "Maybe I went a little overboard." He may be creepy/evil, but Ben gets the best lines.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

You can feel the tension as the Armies of Sauron prepare to march... oh wait, wrong franchise. My bad.

Well, I'm pinch hitting today because Wally Pipp, er... I mean, Daneman had to work last night and didn't see the episode. So I'm going to try to emulate Daneman's writing "style" to make the transition as seemless as possible.

Let's see here (looks at Daneman Writing Style Check List, $4.99,… start with a joke about the episode.

You know what's funny? Hitting people in the mouth with canoe paddles until they pass out and their mouths bleed. Ha Ha. Hah. Heh.

Okay, maybe I'm not so good at the joke thing.

This episode had a little bit of everything. I'm not ready to declare it a home run, but it definitely sets us up nicely for next week. Bernard and Rose. Jack getting his mojo back. Sayid, who presumably grew up on european football, not the NFL, executing a perfect form tackle on Dudley Dooright, who apparently will do anything as long as he gets some sugar from Alex.
And Charlie getting busy with twins….And I... love you TOO. HERE'S TO FOOTBALL. Oh sorry, caught up in the moment there.

First things first: Bernard and Rose suddenly reappear. It was good to see them, but given what we know about the season finale, I think it's safe to say one, or both, are Dead Losties Walking. The writers might as well as hung a flashing neon sign over their heads saying "WILL DIE"

Also, clearly we can establish a pattern. When the previews seem to indicate Charlie will die, he will not die. It's as close to an immutable law as this show gets.

We know where the cord goes now. We know Ben is becoming unhinged. And we have to deal with the possibility that Juliet might know more about the change in plans than she let on. (There Sheila, happy?)

We know Sun will do anything to keep Jin happy. And I thought the moment between Hurley and Charlie was a nice touch.

We also know that there's apparently a stash of chicks in the underwater hatch for emergency use. For all I liked the idea of seeing Charlie redeem himself, and prepare to sacrifice himself, he still ends up slipping up by celebrating too much. I thought that was a nice touch too.

And what other show has to have a special to have the writers explain what's going on, yet still maintains any sort of audience? Unreal. Yet here I am analyzing their every thought. Those jerks. I hate myself.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I need to get me one of those sweet "Work Man" jumpsuits

Don’tcha just hate those episodes where nothing happens? I guess there's not much to chat about today.

Oh, you just got punk'd.
Razzle dazzle, last night was chock full of nutty goodness and huge incidents.

What we now know: The Others are a mix of "the Hostiles", some people recruited off island, and at least one Dharma holdover, Ben. There is travel back and forth off the island, since obviously Richard we see later in the recruiting of Juliet. Patchy was not killed, just stunned bad when he went through the sonic fence. Ben is slowly waking up the fact that the Others are not going to blindly say "how high" when he says "jump" anymore (as evidenced by that scene of when Locke pounded Patchy and no one interfered despite Ben's wishes).
What we don't know: Who the Hostiles are. How they got there. Where they got those guns and poison gas, though I presume Ben gave 'em the goods. How/why Dharma continues to provide goods for the island. One would think that somehow someone would realize that, hey, our big island experiment is suddenly hugely disrupted. How Locke beat up a guy with Soviet Army military training.
What we now know: Ben is an even more awesomely interesting/evil character than previously thought. He is murderously jealous of keeping his special status. He seems to have some special link to the island ("Jacob") that no one else does, but that Locke was developing. Ben's dad is Uncle Rico ("how much you wanna bet I can throw a football over those mountains?")
What we don't know: What happened to Annie. What the frickity frackity froo is going on with the Haunted Mansion Disney ride that is Jacob's house. Ghost? Smoke monster? Ben is psychotic and telekinetic (the telekinesis is an interesting notion, since the Others book group was reading Stephen King's novel "Carrie" when the Losties' plane crashed).
What we now know: Jack seemingly has not been co-opted by Juliet or the Others after all, and Juliet appears to be not the willing mole Ben thought she would be. Jack, the reluctant leader, has become Jack the tyrant, holding off on sharing info until HE decides what they will do.
What we both know and don't know: Richard, of the Others, seems to be the same age now as he was 20 years ago, when Ben was a kid.
What we don’t know: Is Locke dead? Dang well better not be. But Eko, when he was dying, did say to Locke "You are next." Might this be what he meant? TV Guide is promising five characters die and the end of this season. Might Locke be the first?
What we know: Best line of the night - "It's kinda hard to celebrate the day you killed your mom." Yet another character (Ben) on the show with father issues. Whether that's significant to the island mysteries or just an interesting entertainment device, dunno.

My wild-ass crazy speculations:
-- Annie died giving birth on the island, leading to Ben's obsession with fixing the whole pregnancy issue.
-- Richard and the Hostiles (a sweet band name, by the way) are survivors of the Black Rock - the slaving ship that somehow got washed deep ashore a couple centuries ago, and the island has slowed or stopped their aging (hole in that theory, Ben has obviously aged, and Claire's baby Aaron presumably is aging).
-- "Jacob" is the consciousness of the island, and it can manifest itself as visions of something you desire (your mom, your dead priest brother, a black horse) or as a black cloud (made up of that dusty stuff Locke saw outside of Jacob's pimped out crib).

Your thoughts, speculation, observations?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Get yer votes in now

At the grocery checkout line today, I saw the latest TV Guide is saying that five - 5! - people will die in the Lost season finale or in the last couple eps. of the season.
Obvs, Charlie's one - we know he's doomed. Or is he?
Who else?
Start speculating. I'm going to go with several Others - Ben, Juliet, due to some infighting we've seen hints at among the Others. Maybe Mikhail again?
Meanwhile, on contemplation, I think it likely that Kate is preggers. The fact the Others gave her that cute sundress and put her in Sawyer in those cages ... I think we were looking at all sorts of Ben manipulation meant to drive those two closer together so they'd do what we in the Lost blogging community call 'the nasty.'

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Poppa, can you hear me?

I will be your father figure, 'til the end of tiiimme …

Big happenings on the island this week. Let's discuss:
- There seems to be some sense among the Others that Locke is capital-I Important. Like a chosen one. Like Neo. What that role is supposed to be, we dunno. Why it was so dang important he kill his father, I'm not sure, aside from the idea that byshedding this last tie to his old life he commits to the Others. Like a baptism. That whole bit about "I'm sorry, he's not who we thought he was" that Ben said to the crowd after Locke didn’t slice and dice Con Artist Dad. But how they can expect him to sign up for the Others when he doesn’t even know what the heck is going on is a bit crazy.
- The fate of Oceania flight 815 is an intriguing/annoying question mark. They're not in Purgatory or Hell - if it was Hell, it'd be a lot more crowded. And not as pretty. And it'd smell. And the producers of the show have sworn 1,000 ways to Sunday that the flight survivors are not dead. So what's the deal with the plane wreckage and bodies actually being found? Elaborate hoax, with faked video? Possibly. Some kind of sci-fi alternate timeline thing? Annoyingly possible.
- So we got a bit more elaboration of the Magic Box notion. Now we see it's a metaphor and Con Artist Dad was kidnapped and brought here. One wonders if other off-island traces of life of the Losties have been brought to the island. One wonders why Ben kept insisiting 'you brought him here, John' to Locke.
- What's Rousseau need dynamite for? You bet your bippy I'm curious to see. One of the great moments of the episode, Locke sitting there whittling, Sawyer locked in the brig, yelling and pounding, and Locke warns Rousseau about the dynamite "Be careful, it's unstable." Pot calling the kettle black there.
- What was Sayid digging a hole for?
- What in the wide wide world of sports is going on with Juliet and Jack? That whole interaction with Kate, where J&J seem to know something Big and Important that they've not shared yet was emblemic of everything I love/hate about this show - so intriguing and yet so annoying at the same time. "We should tell her." "Not yet." If I'm Kate, that's the moment I beat Jack's head with a rock until the white meat shows.
- Quite good episode. We saw Locke's dad bite it, as we'd all been rooting for. We saw Sawyer get his revenge. It was interesting in that it was a non-flashback episode - no backstory, all island events. And now we have so many new questions and mysteries that my head hurts.
- Did I miss any? What'd you think?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Huh, Michael Emerson is just as cryptic as the character he plays

Ben Linus himself dishes some vague hints about something, maybe...sorta.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My eyes are up here

Many questions brought up last night - let's tackle the biggest one first:
Superman vs. the Flash, who is faster? There've been many DC comics to tackle that issue, the first being in 1967 in Superman #199, in which the two ran a race for charity and had to deal with two separate underworld mob gangs trying to fix the outcome. They deliberately finished a tie so neither gang would win. And that's one to grow on.

Who's the chopper pilot? Seems pretty obvious it's someone looking for Desmond, sent by Penny Widmore - she the one who also was contacted by the Arctic tracking station at season 2 finale when they suddenly saw somethign (the island? the purple electromagnetic burst? on their screens).
One theoretical physics question to make your head hurt - was it originally Penny in the chopper, and reality changed to someone else when Des changed the future by not letting Charlie die, in a Schrodinger's Cat kind of way?ödinger's_cat
Were there other people on that helicopter? Why'd it crash? What does its arrival mean in regards to the idea of being found and rescued?

DeadPassenger groused to me the ep. was utterly predictable in that it was highly unlikely Desmond was actually going to let Charlie die. (Damn.) Predictable? Probably. But I still give the overall ep. a solid B - it had one of the more interesting characters, Demond; it had Kate - the second hottest woman on the island - in her hot undies; it had some great moments of entertainment (Jin's sweet ghost story). And I enjoyed the underlying question of whether Desmond is being tested by Old Testament God in a sacrifice/Abraham/Isaac kind of way. It brought us a new character in the form of the chopper pilot. Did it move the plot hugely forward or answer questions? Not really. But it was still better than finding out about Jack's tattoos.

Interesting side note - the woman in the picture on the head monk's desk is the woman from the jewelry store from that previous Desmond flashback ep.

On the Kate-Sawyer-Jack-Juliet love square: so there's been all this buildup of who does Kate really want, Jack or Sawyer. Are we supposed to now think she really wants Jack and is turning to Sawyer the way I turned to the bottle when Scarlett Johansson spurned me? When Sawyer made that same accusation, Kate said "Sawyer, it's not like that." Really? Then what other way is it?

Your thoughts?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Lost Info

Check this video clip out from EOnline!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Saw it coming, and yet I never saw it coming

To quote a previous post, razzle dazzle!
While there'd been rampant speculation that Juliet was a mole, a plant, a spy in the hosue of love, that last minute or two of Lost was a humdinger.
Overall, a really good episode, I thought, that answered some questions and - of course - created many others. And we saw some hot Other skin. The issues:
- So now we know why Juliet was recruited to the island and presumably why Claire was kidnapped. Questions that have sprung out of this - why are women on the island unable to conceive, to the point that it kills 'em? How did Ben spend his entire life on the island? Why is it so important that this particular issue be solved? Why not just bring children to the island?
- Speaking of Claire's kidnapping, obviously there was far more to it than Ethan going rogue, if some implant to feign sickness was actually put in her at some point (and how crazy is that?) Was her health ever in danger, since the kid was conceived off island? Obviously the Others put the implant in her just in case they needed to fake it later. Have they done likewise with other Losties? Remember, Sawyer has that operation scar from his captivity.
- My guess is Juliet is now a mole to scout for further pregnant women. By setting up this false Claire emergency, obviously that's going to drive any other pregnant Losties straight to her. Kinda interesting, in a way, her backstory along with Jack's comment when they were on the beach together - he's right, she wants to get off the island more than anything. And when he finds out she's playing him for a sucka, he's totally going to unleash Sayid.
- Speaking of which, regardless of whether she's a mole or not, that scene when she totally shut down Sawyer and Sayyid - you don't more blood on your hands - was terrific. Though we see how the Others know so much abotu the Losties, at the same time how believable is it that they know about what Sawyer did just hours before the plane crash.
- So for whatever reason, Juliet was not flown to the island, but taken by sub. Ethan made some comment about the flight there can be "intense." Speculations - electromagnetic interference around the island making flight difficult? Couldn't get the zoning for a landing strip?
- So this Jacob presumably can cure cancer? Who IS this cat? On the other hand, who's to say whether the sister's cancer came back at all. All we know is that Ben handed Juliet these medical records. Paperwork can be faked.
- Finally, so Juliet wasn't Ben's girl at all, she was doin' the black smoke monster with Goodwin. Perhaps part of her motivation for double-crossing the Losties is revenge for her boy being killed by Ana Lucia? Loved Ben's cryptic "see you in a week."
- Next week, Locke's back! Helicopter sounds?!
- Your thoughts?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Left Behind

Let me get my juvenile commentary out of the way first: Kate and Juliet, in the mud. This island isn't Purgatory, it's Heaven.
From my POV, last night's ep was a solid triple. We got some intrigue, some mystery, another fairly interesting back story with character development. But enough of my yakking, let's boogie...
Things that make me think Juliet is a plant, sent to spy on or even do something to our Losties: she had that handcuff key all along; she was very familiar with the security fence; she's a very good liar; if the Others are taking such a big step as packing up and moving out you'd think Ben would not merely run away; the sort of weird illogic of handcuffing Juliet to Kate (I mean, why handcuffs, why not just toss 'em both in the jungle?).
Things that make me think Juliet is telling the truth: if you're going to be a mole, being attacked by the smoke monster is a risky way to go about it; and finally, if I'm Ben and Juliet is one of my top lieutenants and perhaps even my special lady friend ifyouknowwhatImean and then she betrays me by trying to arrange my very killing, am I going to use her in any of my super secret plans? Even if I held the "you want to get off the island, you better pull off this assignment" ultimatum, I still am not going to trust her as far as I can throw her in my weakened post-surgery state.
Despite my better judgment and trust, I like Juliet.
Then again, there's something weird going on. In one moment, this fertility doc beats the living tar out of Kate with some super badass reflexes and ninja moves (and where'd she learn that?!). Then Kate beats the heck out of her in the jungle. Did Juliet let Kate win as part of her plot?
So where did the Others go? A hatch? Doubtful, as none of them seem large enough to house that whole crew. The Alcatraz island? Possible. Some other, previously unseen location? Presumably the Others packed up camp because of the fact the Losties found them, interrupted their suburban idyll and football tossing. Interesting that being found is such a negative that the Others are willing to abandon Othersburg. Fascinating that Locke has gone with them. I wonder if they're taking the sub that Locke didn't actually blow up.
So I get the feeling there's a clear line between the Smoke Monster and the Others. THere had been some speculation it was doing their bidding. Meanwhile (insert Seinfeld voice here) what was teh deal with the flashing light? It was reminiscent of when the Smoke Monster seemed to 'read' Eko back in season 2, and we saw brief moments from his past in Smoky itself.
And did anyone else see what looked like brief skin blotching on Kate and Juliet after the Smoke Monster encounter? I dunno if that was significant or just a production error from shooting in low light or what. That's one problem with a show with so many Easter Eggs - it's easy to conflate nothign into something.
A couple last thoughts:
Cassidy learning to grift from Sawyer. And she seemed to teach Kate a few things, so a nice coming-back-around of Sawyer indirectly teaching Kate some of her survival skills.
Sawyer might've briefly been the de facto beach group leader, but there's a spider behind the scene pulling all the strings. Hurley = Karl Rove.
No Nikki and Paulo rising from the grave, so I'm betting they are in fact dead. Maybe they come back as zombies. I big fuzzy heart zombies.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Here we go again

Alvar Hanso seems to be at it again. Click
here to see what he's been up to. Potential spoiler: Click on the word "humanity" in the third graf for a secret message.

Sorry if this is old news.

Razzle dazzle!

The March 28 ep barely moved the plot forward, and addressed none of the island's mysteries. Yet it was a knee-slapping hoot. Personally, I loved it. Pure entertainment, which is exactly what I want from a television show. Let's examine things, shall we?
- Billy Dee Williams is the Cobra?! I never saw that coming.
- Great flashback appearances by Boone, Shannon, Ethan and that school teacher who blew up. Was Boone bisexual? We know he was doin' his sister (momentary shudder, for while Shannon is a cutie pie, she's still a relative. Ick), but that comment Shannon made in the airport seemed to indicate he swung from both sides of the plate. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
- Was great to see life on the island through the eyes of secondary characters, such as Jack's live together or die alone speech. I wonder how much of the crash sequence was recut footage and how much was filmed new. I'd forgotten how absolutely great that very first ep of Lost was, with the chaos and fire and screams.
- And it was fascinating to see how long-ago events were tied into last night's ep. When Paulo came out of the TV hatch bathroom, suddenly there was meaning behind it instead of a random event. And the mystery of the recently smoked cigarette butts in that hatch? Solved.
- So Vincent apparently could tell Paulo and Nikki were not dead, pulling the blanket off them. I hope to see a Vincent flashback episode at some point. You know that dog has seen and sniffed every mystery on this island and probably knows more than anyone else. Though he's a dog.
- Speaking of island secrets, I giggled insanely at how at moment after moment, these two asshats found so many island secrets well before everyone else - the plane in the tree, the TV monitoring hatch, the Others are not really rags-wearing primitives.
- Two word: "forensics hatch." Bwah!
- Are Nikki and Paulo dead? I'm going to presume so. They'd have to dig themselves out - or be rescued by Vincent - pretty quickly to avoid suffocation. And I assume we'd see that. But there seemed to be some finality to that episode. Then again, as Locke said, things on the island don't stay buried, so who knows. Their deaths would make sense in a sort of cosmic justice kind of way - the murderers get killed in a very Alfred Hitchcock Presents kind of way.
- Meanwhile, so Sun knows it was Charlie and Sawyer, not the Others, who kidnapped and clocked her. Will be curious to see how this evolves, what happens if she lets it slip to Jin.
- This ep was light on the content we usually analyze to death. But I still rank it as a very satisfying hour of TV watching. And next week, Kate and Juliet cat fight. In the rain. Thank you, God.
Your thoughts?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Poppa, can you hear me?

Don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of how predictable Lost is becoming. I mean, since season 1 and the speculation about how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, the most obvious answer has been 'he got pushed out an eight-story window by his con artist father who previously stole a kidney.' Well, duh.
Yet another episode loaded with 'holy cow' moments. Let's discuss them, shall we?

- So now the island is completely isolated. No communication, no way off, at least as far as we know. And Ben's fine with that, interestingly. Yet my assumtion is that at some future point, Dharma would have to check on the island when they dont hear anything for weeks, dont get any food drop requests. But who knows how that will work out, since Dharma seems to still be under the assumption it's running the island, when the Others have been running the show at least the last few years. (Side speculation - did Locke actually blow up the sub? He was dripping wet when he got captured. No need to go into the water, however, if he just got on the sub, planted C4, and got off. Maybe he blew up something else, moved the sub?)

- So there's a box that gives you whatever you want? This is either a fascinating turn of events or one of the stupidest deus ex machinas I've ever heard of. Though I loved the sight of bug-eyed evil con man bound and trussed up. Wondering now if other off-island characters could make appearances in the future. Wondering now if it in fact is Locke's dad or a manifestation of the smoke monster the same way Kate saw that black horse, etc. Either way, I want to see him get his ass kicked and then have Sayid go all Torture Man on him. Locke dad is pure eeeeevil.
Now consider this - there is no box at all, that's just a manipulative story by Ben, and when Locke's dad disappeared to Mexico, he really disappeared to this island. Why? Dunno.
But consider this - there've been so many instances of discovery that defy logic, like Eko finding his brother's plane. Maybe there is some kind of wish fulfillment power going on here, that this 'box' idea is true. Am beginning to think that this notion of the island having healing ability might be true, but in the sense that it gives people what they want (Locke his legs, Rose becomes cancer free).
The island also seems to have some kind of consciousness, based on that Ben/Locke exchange, with the idea Locke has a better link to/idea about the island. That adds to the idea the Black Smoke is some kind of manifestation of the island's consciousness.
And consider this bit of dialogue from last night: Ben: "What if I told you there was a box and when you opened it, whatever you wanted was inside?" Locke: "First, I'd cut a hole in the box. Then I'd put my junk in the box." Significant? I think so.

- So Locke has gone through a fascinating evolution in this show - he crashed, he was this uber-he-man hunter, then he emerged as this too trusting doofus, and now it turns out he's both incredibly scheming and selfish and so damaged and sympathetic. That scene when he was put in the wheelchair and started crying? Doesn't excuse what he's done - kill Patchy, blow up the sub - but I at least understand why.

- So daddy issues continue to be an ongoing substory. Jack, Kate, Locke, Hurley, so many people have estrangement or abandonment in their background. The significance? I don't know. But Deadpassenger and I both think it seems likely that Locke's dad is also the "Sawyer" Sawyer has sworn to kill.

- So Ben is continually fascinating. He's seemingly far more concerned with maintaining his control over the Others than anything else. Merely power mad? Or is there something else? His insistence that no one be allowed to leave - to the point he considered killing Jack - is really interesting. Meanwhile, the guy was even born on the island and he seemingly lacks some kind of connection to it that Locke has. Really curious.

- Speaking of Jack, if Locke and Piano Man didn't hate each other before, they sure ain't gonna be sharing warm Dharma beer now.

- New character alert! The Man from Talahassee (which sounds like a Merle Haggard song). I assume that's the guy who was with Ben when they uncuffed Locke, some kind of assistant/heavy of Ben's who seems to have a different level of knowledge than the other Others. Or maybe it was Locke's dad. Could Locke's dad have been on Oceania 815 without anyone noticing?

So so many questions. What do you think?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Locke talks...

TV Guide online has an interview with Terry O'Quinn, the guy that plays Locke. It's kind of interesting.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Never saw that coming

Jack likes football?!?! Totally saw him as a hoops fan. That blew my mind.
Also blowing my mind -- almost every single moment of last night's ep.:
Claire was also the lead singer to Evanesence!
Locke, who we have long thought may be a moron, might actually be something more sinister! (consider - the C4 in his backpack, throwing Patchy through the death wall, his evasiveness when asked about these things). Is it conceivable Locke is now an Other, or at least doing their bidding? At some point did he read/see something in one of the hatches telling him what to do?
Claire and Jack better not make out because that'd be extra gross since they're half siblings!
More fascinating insight from Patchy - Kate could never understand what's going on with the Others since she's not on the List - the List seemingly of people of a certain enlightened mental mindstate. Presumably this List is part of the Lists that Ethan and Goodwin were supposed to make after infiltrating the newly-crashed Losties. And there was reference a few eps back to Jack NOT being on Jacob's List - whoever Jacob is. Who is on the List? What's the significance of the List - are these people to be recruited?
We had another scene of seeming self sacrifice by the Others, perhaps aimed at keeping information from the Losties, when Patchy thanked Locke for throwing him through the security perimeter. That, the Claire/Jack connection and the List idea go toward my new grand unifying theory of the island: the Others, who predate the Dharma Initiative by many many years on the island, were/are some kind of super secret society that protects/serves the island (the black smoke monster being some kind of manifestation of the island's consciousness?). They are trying to create higher level people with the island's help - sort of a variation on the story of Prometheus. Through the island's time-bending abilities, it deliberately manipulated to get certain people on the plane as it knew the jet was going to crash. The connections between the Losties, such as the Claire/Jack thing, tell me that while the plane was not deliberately brought down, some of the people were fated to be on the flight.
Finally, that look of betrayal on Kate's face when she saw Jack and Tom throwing the pigskin around all Kennedy like was perfect. There's gonna be some asskicking.
Your insights and observations?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sawyer to Hawaii Police: Drop Dead

Josh Hollaway is apparently developing a bit of a persecution complex, according to this report.
The man believes the Hawaii constabulary is out to get him and his co-stars.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Note to self: stick with Tetris

Hello and welcome back to another installment of LostTalk, brought to you by Manny's Land of Carpet. Welcome to our new affiliate in Cincinnati, KNIC.
First, some general reactions to last night's ep. -- awwww heck yeah! Some action, some humor, some delving into the mystery, some character development and elaboration on back story, a pwetty kitty cat. The show stumbled a bit the last couple eps., when compared to the Juliet episode and the Desmond episode, but it shook it off and came back swinging, I think. The ending was a bit predictable - once you saw the C4, you knew Flame was going up in flames (ha!) at some point.

So what we know now - according to what Patchy was saying, prior to the plane crash there were two groups on the island: the Dharma folks and the Hostiles/Others, and for some reason one wiped out (completely?) the other.
But he's obviously a liar. The question is to what degree he lied.
Let's examine the likelihood that the Others and Dharma scientists are separate people altogether - to my thinking, that's hard to swallow. How would the Others know how to use the technology, speak Russian, read Chinese tatts on Jack? More likely, I think, is that the Others - or at least some of them - are former Dharma. Patchy Mikhail, who's now part of the Others, keeps the communications going with the outside world, so the supplies keep coming. Or perhaps the Others were former test subjects?
Meanwhile, maybe the Others are crazy - case in point, the woman seemingly telling Patchy to shoot her rather than be captured. Then Patchy told Sayid to kill him. What the frell?
According to Lostpedia, the exchange between the woman and Patchy was along the lines of "You know what to do, we cannot risk it," "No, there must be another way," "Just do it," "I'm sorry," bang.

Regarding Rousseau - oh c'mon. You're on this island 16 years and you've not explored every nook and cranny? Am I supposed to believe she's not playing on both sides of the fence here? On a side note, Patchy's name is Mikhail. And Rousseau said at one point that her husband's name was Michael. Connection? I wonder how he lost that eye. Maybe Rousseau didn't kill him after all.

Regarding Locke - dude, don't touch anything. This guy seems somewhat dumb. I don't think he expected to blow up the Flame hatch by entering 77, but when you're in some crazy situation like that you be careful what you touch. I wonder if that's the sole communications method to the outside world, that satellite dish.

Regarding Sayid - fascinating back story, though it didn't really tie horribly much to the island half of the episode. All it seemed to illustrate is why Sayid didn't kill Patchy. But was that that dramatic a question?

Regarding the cat - was that cat which resembled the cat Nadia really there, I wonder. Or was it a manifestation of the smoke monster.

Lessons: Locke is a video game addict, getting distracted by chess enough to let Patchy escape and get the drop on him.

Nice touches: Dharma-brand vodka, Sawyer calling Jin and Sun "Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon."

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sill bitter

OK, I dunno about all of you, but Lost SUCKED on Wednesday and I am too bitter about said suckage. We learned nothing, nada, of real interest. Not happy, kids, not happy.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

You can probably smell the smoke coming from Dave's ears.

It may take me a while, but eventually my brain does occassionally get out of neutral.
This is a minor point sure, but I just realized this: Penelope is also the name of Odysseus' wife, who faithfully waits those 20 years while her hubby treks all over the known world getting chased by mythical beasts.

Surely, her name is not an accident. Duh.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Aw, Phuket

Yknow, I've long accepted the idea that when one mystery gets answered on Lost, two more pop up. But not when the episode itself is kinda lame. The secret of Jack's ink? We already knew he was a reluctant leader, no new ground broken there. But why the beating? And what about the rest of his tattoo - the pyramid and such. Are these significant?
Anyway, here's what's new:
- we now have a sense of what happened to people swiped from the tail section, and they don't seem upset about their new fate as Others. Which is odd because you'd think they'd be annoyed at the Others not radio'ing for a rescue chopper or something. What are they supposed to be watching? Juliet's trial, or something else? I got the feeling we were supposed to think that whole crowd of people around Cindy were also crash survivors, though perhaps I'm wrong.
- What was up with that brand on Juliet? Significance of it's design? Why on her lower back, where no one is going to see it unless she's in a midriff shirt at the Others singles bar?
- Jack, lay off the red meat. He throws Bai Ling against the wall demanding a tattoo. He shrieks at Cindy (though I'll forgive him that, he is in a cage). This guy has got some anger issues.
- Sawyer's a moron and now he and Kate are on the rocks. If there's one lesson I've learned, don't accuse a woman of sleeping with you out of pity because you're about to be executed. Lo, I know that lesson so well. I wonder if Sawyer knew what he was saying and did it deliberately.
- Karl - and likely a number of the Others - have been on the island his whole life. Any teen who doesn't know the Brady Bunch is obviously is from an island.
- Bai Ling has fake boobies. Just an observation.
- So Jack's ink says something along the lines of 'he walks among us but is not one of us.' But while that's the literal translation, that's not 'what it means,' Jack says. So what's Jack think they mean? "I'm a reluctant leader?" "I can't outfight eight guys on a beach?" I'm a little tired of the enigmatic thing.
- Sawyer's a moron for leting Karl go before the Losties have a chance to ask a few basic followup questions, such as 'what projects? what's going on? who are you people?' Maybe a newspaper reporter should've been on the flight.
- Interesting, that comment by Ben to Jack about Juliet, how she's "one of us." This after she tried to kill him and did shoot another Other. I think he may know some things not as sympathetic to her as she's been made out to be.
- This was obviously a relationships episode - Kate and Sawyer development, Jack and Juliet development, Karl and Alex elaborated upon. But closing with a long montage of these characters looking into the night sky and slowly at each other? Barf.
Your observations?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

1.21 gigawatts

Wow. Just when I was starting to question whether Lost was losing some of its pull, out comes last night's ep and my faith is restored in its storytelling abilities.
Loved the "you're gonna die, Charlie" twist. Never saw that coming.
Loved the flashback that wasn't a flashback of Desmond. He's rapidly elevating to one of my favorite characters on the island.
In a way, I loved how creepy and possessive Charlie's becoming. Like we first saw Locke as this survivor-rock type, now we see how twisted and damaged he is, Charlie I think is morphing from the somewhat sympathetic washed up addict to someone who rooted for the husband in Sleeping With the Enemy.
And I loved loved the scene in which Desmond's buying the ring and the white haired lady says 'no.' For me, that was a 'lean forward on the couch and pay intent attention to absorb every second.' On one hand, the argument that the lady is his subconscious and that incident with the ring never actually happened in the real world makes some sense - even if Desmond can see flashes of his future, how can this woman see flashes of his future as well? And how could Desmond's mind go back in time but not his body? So maybe all that flashback stuff was all in his mind while he knocked out on the jungle floor.On the other hand, he seems to have learned some basic rules of the universe righting itself when out of whack - not something one picks up while just knocked for a loop on a jungle floor.
Which leads to the idea that maybe there was some Dharma work involving time travel or manipulation or viewing and the white haird ring seller is part of them. Dharma saw this inevitability of the island and the Losties and everything else, saw that if they don’t get Desmond to the isalnd something horrible happens, so they make sure he stays on that path.
Of course, that raises all sorts of questions about inevitability and why Dharma couldn't just not build the computer and numbers that lead to Desmond needing to be there.
My brain hurts a lot.
Some observations - the polar bear painting in Dad Widmore/Caleb Nichol's office? Significant or just a cute reference to us Lost obsessives? Could go either way.
One thing that doesn't quite make sense about the whole Desmond time warping thing (well, OK, there are many many things that don't make sense, but this one really jumps out at me). Desmond said he turned the key, his life flashed before his eyes including flashes of the future. That future had Charlie electrocuted by lightning. He saves Charlie. So how does he then see into the new future, the one in which Charlie drowns saving Claire?
Lookin' forward to next week. Discuss.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A little Lost love...

From our girl, Kristin, at E!Online. It's full of more things to ponder.

Like we don't have enough already.

Hot Carl

(Stretch). (cracking knuckles)
Welcome back, dear reader, to another installment of Nerdtal... I mean, Losttalk. It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Please, have a seat. No, not there. You born in a farking barn?
Some observations from last night:
What in the wide wide world of sports were the Others trying to accomplish with that Carl brainwashing bit? The vaguely Mister Rogers aphorisms (You are the source of your own misery) were really weird. I couldn’t read all of them - there was one about God and Jacob perhaps? Anyone fill in some holes?
So I assume this Mitelos Bioscience place is some subsidiary of/related to the Dharma Initiative. So why they want a fertility specialist is interesting and may relate to why kids on the island get nabbed, as it seems there’s something at work that causes female reproductive problems (a 24 year old uterus that looks 70? didn’t I see that in a carnival sideshow once?) So is there no mysterious island healing power after all? Do people build up a tolerance to it?
Meanwhile, is there anyone out there who doesn’t think Mitelos Bio. had Juliet’s hubby whacked with a bus?
So the stuff they injected Claire with when she was pregnant, I wonder if that was the same drug Juliet was working on, intended to keep CLaire’s baby viable. In which case, the vaccine that Desmond was injecting himself with when he lived in the hatch, was that different?
I wonder how many Others are de facto prisoners (Alex? Carl?) as opposed to willing and happy members (Tom?).
I looooved Sawyer’s “Wookie prisoner gag” Star Wars reference. Everytime I wanna dislike the character, he pulls me back in.
Finally, I have to admit, I’d like to get one sizable mystery solved once in awhile. This was a good ep. and I’m not quitting anytime soon and I like the characterizations and everything. But please, answer a question (who is this Juliet chick?) without opening up 12 even bigger ones (Mitelos? Fertility issues on the island?)
Get Lost. Discuss.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Lost: which way will the story turn?

From USA Today. There are photos and a second article linked to this one. May contain spoilers, so read at your own risk.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Spoiler: Sawyer blames the Jews for being on the island

Josh Holloway apparently is a little Mel Gibson wannabe.

Holloway Wants "Lost" Character To Die In "Braveheart-Style Battle"

January 30, 2007 5:31 a.m. EST

Maira Oliveira - All Headline News Reporter

Los Angeles, CA (BANG) - If his popular TV character gets killed off the show, Josh Holloway doesn't want fans to shed any tears over his death.

Josh has revealed he wants his "Lost" character Sawyer to die in a grisly, "Braveheart-style battle."

Although Josh is not sure about Sawyer's fate, if he does get killed off he wants to go out with a bang just like Mel Gibson's character William Wallace did in the epic Scottish film.

He told Britain's New magazine, "In the current atmosphere of TV shows the writers are willing to kill a main character without any problem. So that's a possibility. But when it happens, I want a big, bloody Braveheart-style battle. I want Sawyer to die badly!"

Josh is currently shooting the movie thriller "Whisper," in which he plays a completely different character to Sawyer.

He explains, "I chose that role because it was the opposite. The character I play is a bad person with a good heart and I thought it would be interesting to play a more heroic character."

"Whisper" is due out later this year.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The beginning of Lost?

Less than two weeks. The anticipation is palpable. Perhaps the bigggest question: will Daneman be able to stay up till 11 p.m. to finish watching each episode?

Monday, January 15, 2007

The end of Lost?

The show isn't even back on the air and they are already talking about the end. Go figure.

Here's some more info on the inevitable end of the show. There are spoilers too.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

This Lostie needs a little consoling...

From People. Maybe she can shack up at Daneman's.